(Dedicated to PurplePanda750) Part 19: Returned... Sort of

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I slowly walked toward (Y/N). She started to make a sort of growling noise. I stopped.

"Look, (Y/N)," I stated, "You already said that Steve's crazy, and I completely agree. And who knows what might happen if you stay with him any longer?"

(Y/N) gave a thoughtful look, turning over the words I said. She sat down and petted Moe as he ran over to her.

"Fine," she finally said, "I'll believe you,"

I gave an immature grin and lightly clapped my hands.

"BUT! On one condition," she pointed her finger to the ceiling.

The grin faded off my lips and turned into a weak attempt to smile.

"What is it?" I asked.

"No touching me. NONE!" She screamed.

I gave an inward sigh. 'Oh, I thought it was gonna be serious,' I thought to myself.

"Okay," I agreed, "No touching. I get it,"


Juju cut in, "Well, how about me, Cassidy, and (Y/N) all go home and we'll lie to Dean,"

"How about we tell the truth? There's no point in lying 'cause he'll know I have something to do with (Y/N)'s disappearance," I suggested.

"Okay..." She muttered. Juju was looking for a fight.

I gave a slight chuckle as I called Cassidy over.

"Okay," I stated, "I don't have three hands, so (Y/N), you can grab my shoulders of you like. If not, get a firm grip on Juju or Cassidy's free hand. This'll be a bit bumpy,"

(Y/N) absolutely refused to touch me. So she went an squeezed Cassidy's hand purple. Cassidy drew in a sharp breath of pain and gave a weak smile to me that said: "Hurry up!" I did.

We were finally back at (Y/N)'s house. I sighed. I was gonna have to tell the truth to... Dean...

Author's Note: Yay! Finally! The new update! Sadly, I won't be able to update for a little bit because I have no internet, and my mom's been watching the data. I will update as soon as I can though! Also, summer is in two days!! Woo! \(>w<)/

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