Part 12: Laughter

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I growled. "Damn it! Where are you Steve?! I've got some buisiness to take care of with you!"

I searched the house. If I couldn't find Steve, I had to at least find (Y/N). I called both of their names, hoping to catch Steve's maniacle laughter closer than it was. This huge house made everything bouce off the walls, from whimpering to screaming. But the thing that stood out the most was this heart-stopping laughter. Far more insane than any of the Creepypasta laughs. And that's coming from a guy who made plenty of people shit their pants from laughing alone.

I continued yelling and wandering around. Steve had really done some improvements to his little 10x10 block house. Suddenly, I heard tapping. I grabbed my sword in case it was Steve. Once I got a clear look at the running figure, it was (Y/N)! I put the sword away and ran up to her.

"(Y/N)! Oh thank Notch! I'm so glad to see you! Did Steve hurt you?" I asked in relief.

"No. All he did was tell me how much of a liar you are!" she screamed.

I was taken aback, "Wh-whaddyou mean? I know I've lied to you in the past, but after coming to my senses after kinda zombifying you, I haven't lied to you since!"

(Y/N) slapped me straight across the face, "Yeah right! How do I know I can trust your ugly ass face after zombifying me?!"

I looked hard into her eyes. Something wasn't right. That look, almost as if... No... I didn't want to think about it. There's no possible way he could have gotten Notch- I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts. Standing there, giving me the death glare, was none other than Notch himself. He looked furious.

"Herobrine, what have you done?" he growled.

"Wh-what... D-do you mean? I didn't do shit!" I screeched back.

"God damn it Herobrine! Bringing not only one, but three living human beings into a videogame?! What were you thinking?"

"How did you even get in here?"

"I have my ways. Anyway, come on! This is going to mess up everything! Especially that blonde girl's 'army'!"

"But it's basically just a server!"

Notch facepalmed, "No you block head! Servers are code! Animals in here are code! YOU are code! Everything in this fucking game is code! Ever wonder about you being in the real world for two weeks and not turning eight?"


"I told you that so you wouldn't kill thousands of people! Those feelings you have, love, lust, anger, sadness, panic. All implemented into your fucking brain! There is nothing that you can do that isn't already in code! Nothing!"


"Living beings made out of flesh and blood do not belong in coded worlds!"

"The other two are just here for a little bit. But, I have a question, what. Did. You. Do. To. (Y/N)? "

"The one thing I could do if it would keep you from killing people. Your little girlfriend is now coding,"

"What, about her head?! There is no possible way Steve could have gotten through to her!"

(Y/N) was still off in the corner, venting to herself over something. Notch and I were still screaming at each other. That is, until we heard it. Steve's laughter. Notch looked over my shoulder and I twisted to see him. Steve was holding a sword drenched in blood as were his clothes. He had this large smile and his eye was twitching.

"Wondering about her, huh? That was a bit of my own doing. Notch had nothing to do with it, other than go turn her into code. Now she's mine Herobrine. It took years, but I did it. I finally took something from you," Steve sneered, "Now, do you give up? 'Cause I can continue with this for as long as you and I both exist,"

Herobrine x Reader: Eternal BondWhere stories live. Discover now