Part 36: A Flashback

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~Hero's POV~

(Y/N) and I both sat down and spaced out for a really long time. I started overlooking how all of this happened in my head until some... Unwanted... Memories started playing through my head.

I was in my small home I had built long before I became corrupted and Steve came around. I sat on the bed with my arm being held up by my legs and my head being held up by my fist. I clenched it until I saw blood dripping down from my hands. I scoffed. "What a petty waste of material," I muttered as my hand fixed itself in record time. "This house is too small for a throne. One in which I belong. Not Notch... But... Then again... I'd be deleted without a second thought..."

I gave a slight chuckle. "Notch is bound to make another 'creation' of his. Maybe I could teach it things then I would be an invaluable tool for Notch so there's less of a chance..."

Over the next few days, my question was answered. A man that looked much like me but lacked my white eyes or original hazel eye color suddenly popped into the world. He actually looked rather young with his brightly shining ocean blue eyes. The man looked to me and waved, smiling happily. I stepped from the shadows and greeted him.

I gave a slight cough to clear my throat. "Hello there, I expect you know who I am?" Dumb question. Who would smile and wave at a monster?

"No, not really. But I expect you're a lot better than the really big and scary monster that comes for me if I ever go outside at night. Dad told me that he doesn't like anybody and kills whoever he sees," the boy replied.

Dad? What the Nether was going through Notch's head?! But anyway, he seemed to have a vague description of me, just didn't know what I looked like. "Do you know this monster's name?"

"No, but I heard he likes to call himself the 'Hero of Mobs',"

Hero... That seemed like a good addition to my name. "Well, my name is Herobrine. You can call me Hero or Brine," I told him grabbing his hand. "And what might yours be?"

"I don't know. I was never given a name. Dad said it was 'so he doesn't lose another' or something like that," the boy replied, looking to the ground and digging his foot in the dirt in embarrassment.

This little boy was honestly kind of cute (cute as in kitten cute. Not "hot" cute. Just to remind you)... Wait, no. What the Nether was I gonna do with some nameless kid?! "Well, how about we give you a name?" I said involuntarily. I cringed slightly at how nice I was to this kid.

The kid's eyes pretty much glowed in anticipation. "Really?! Thank you Mister Hero!" He said, jumping an clapping his hands in glee.

"Okay..." I said, the gears in my head grinding, "How about something easy... Like Steven?"

"Steven? That's awesome! I like it! But, you can call me Steve!"

"Steve it is then, Steve it is," I told him, chuckling.

Steve looked up to the sky with a worried expression. "It's almost night now. The monster will be out soon and so will the mobs,"

Not if I have anything to do about it, I thought to myself.

I grabbed Steve's hands and threw him onto my shoulder. Steve hung there limply and looked at me with a slight redness creeping into his face. "Wh-what are you doing, Hero?"

Herobrine x Reader: Eternal BondWhere stories live. Discover now