Part 5: The Center of Useless Knoweledge

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I quickly got up.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but, I'm feeling fine. I don't need anymore stabbing or cutting into me," I said as I straightened out my shirt.

"It's not about you 'feeling fine'. It's about your abilities to handle and destroy every infection and to immediately heal a cut," the second man said.

"So? I just need to get back home and get (Y/N) back. Have my arm for all I care. Just let me be,"

Both of the men gave me a death glare.

"Look, kid," the first one sighed, boy that got under my skin, "I know you're feeling threatened,"

"Damn right I am!" I screamed.

"But, if we can study you, we can save all of the people that are dying of disease on this planet,"

I grinded my teeth, "I'm sorry, What's-Your-Face, but what goes on in my body can only be done in my body. Anything that gets my blood, or even anything close to my blood, in its system is going to die either way. I don't know if you know this, but my blood devours everything living thing it touches. You put it into something, the blood will literally eat the organism from the inside out,"

Both men pulled out guns, I know what those are. Plenty of encounters.

"I'm pretty sure you don't have a very specific weak spot like those monster things from the show my daughter likes to watch, so I will shoot with no hesitation. Got that? You either go with us or you'll never get to see this girl or yours again," the first one growled.

"Maybe, maybe not. But I do know one thing; you pitiful humans know nothing about me," I sneered evilly. This was going to be fun.

~Juju's POV~

I decided to go talk to Cassidy and see what she knows. She's a friend of mine and my brother's. When we were young, we dubbed her the "Center of Useless Knoweledge" because she seemed to know everything about everything. She's kept that name ever since.

I reached her house and got out of my car. I knocked on the solid oak wood door. She always preferred wood to plastic-metal.

"This is the home of Cassidy Caserole Yates, Center of Useless Knoweledge. How may I be of assistance?" came her voice as she went to open the door.

"It's Juju!" I called.

The door immediately swung open to reveal a curly-haired, dirty blonde Cassidy. She was stuffing half a Hot Pocket into her face while trying to get the red blanket she had as a kid back on her shoulders like a cape.

"Oh! Juju!" she said, still stuggling with the blanket while trying to speak through the half of a Hot Pocket, "Sho... Whacha here for?"

"Has Jake told you about (Y/N)'s new friend?" I asked.

"Yeah. Brine, ishn't it?"

"Yeah, apparently, he's some sort of alien or something,"

Cassidy swallowed her Hot Pocket, "Y'know, he sounds kinda like what I would think as Herobrine. He might actually be Herobrine. I mean, I have actually ran into Smile Dog before,"

"Oh, yeah. You do know your Creepypastas, don't you?"


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