Part 16: Twitches and Shivers

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"It's getting dark out now," you observed, "Might wanna find shelter,"

The others agreed. "Well don't all help at once," you sighed.

You somehow had an axe pop out of your chest when you said you wanted one. 'Okay then...' you thought to yourself. Not thinking any more of it, you chopped down a few trees. Then you threw the wooden blocks on the floor and they turned into planks. The guys were just staring at you like you sprouted wings and started flying.

In about an hour, the house was built. "Now, I've got some work for the three o' ya to do since you say there and gawked at me," you said.

All three of the YouTubers whimpered.

"Adam, you use your sword and go get some wool. Mark, go craft some chests. It's the same as normal Minecraft. Felix, I'll craft a bow and you keep the monsters away from the house till I get back with coal," you said.

They all reluctantly agreed. You all went to your separate ways. It took a while, but you finally collected a lot of coal and headed off to the newly built house. You didn't know why, but you felt twitchy. You dropped quite a few pieces of coal. Once you got to the house, you twitched so badly, that all o the coal flew in random directions. Multiple pieces hitting poor Adam in the head.

Adam put down the pile of wool and rubbed his head, giving you an angry glare. You gave an embarrassed smile and shrugged your shoulders. Adam rolled his eyes and placed the wool down, telling Mark to make the beds, knowing you would refuse to. Felix was no where to be found. You were worried he got hurt. And it would be your fault the most famous man in the world couldn't make his hilarious videos anymore. You went to the back of the house. Felix was there, shooting the living shit out of anything he saw.

"Felix?" You asked.

He turned around, bow drawn.

"Woah woah woah!" You exclaimed, putting your hands up, "I'm not a zombie!"

Felix put the bow down, "Yeah? What is it?"

"We're done with the stuff. You can come in the house now,"

"Oh, good," Felix left.

You were just about to leave, but you had this sudden shiver. That meant one thing: danger was coming. The shiver grew worse, you fell to the ground. And the danger was big.

You got up, brushed yourself off, and followed after Felix. 'This might go well... At least... For now,' you thought to yourself.

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