Part 34: Guys and Common Sense

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A/N: That moment you decide to keep a baby slime as a pet and you name it Jelly. Then you can't stop singing his name. X3

Suddenly, (Y/N)'s phone started to shake and it flew out of her hand. (Y/N) looked just as surprised as the rest of us. It was just floating in midair, violently shaking, when a hand popped out, feeling for the rest of the phone. It gripped the side of her phone and another hand did the same. Just as quickly as it started, it ended with BEN hopping out of the phone and the phone crashing to the floor.


"That was a tight squeeze," I said, brushing myself off. "Y'know, I've never actually travelled through phone, then again, there's always room for new experiences. Now I wanna try a fax machine,"

I looked to Herobrine and he just looked dumbfounded. I gave him a questioning look. He shook his head and his eyes returned to their normal glow. (Y/N) had dropped to the floor and was trying to put her phone back together. She suddenly picked up a deep, Irish accent and was cursing left and right (Who shall get this reference?). (Y/N) have a slight cough. "Sorry," she said in her normal voice. "It happens when I get mad,"

"Oh, yeah, sorry about your phone, (Y/N)," I apologized.

"It's fine. It's from a mod, anyway. No biggie,"

Herobrine looked to me with an annoyed look. "Okay, BEN," he stated. "Could you please get rid of a bit or two of the red stone please? As (Y/N) said, we're stuck,"

"Oh, yeah. Okay," I stepped to the red stone and kicked some away, the dust splattering on Steve's face. Steve spat out the red dust and tried wiping it off his clothes, but smeared it everywhere instead.

"Damn it!" Steve screamed. "This also isn't supposed to happen! Flipping real world logic! I made Minecraft to escape that!"

"Uh..." I started. "Steve's talking different,"

"It's not really Steve. It's Notch. Notch is being an ass. Could probably go ahead and put him in a donkey pen, you'd never know the difference," (Y/N) replied.

~Your POV~

Steve growled and there was suddenly a white light for a short while. You stared in shock as there were two people now. Bright, ocean blue eyed Steve and a rather angry looking Notch.  Notch gave a glare over to Steve. "No wonder you never win against Herobrine," he snarled. "I can't believe I forgot I gave you such a feeble body. But such a strong mind... Damn it,"

You hopped over the line and flew around. "You men have no common sense," you stated, grinning. "You're good at one thing, and try to use it to your advantage, but it always comes back to bite you in the ass. It's never 'hm, maybe I should give Steve less of a strong mind so I can take control easier' or 'maybe I should stop acting like an ass when I have the girl and Herobrine is away so she'll like me better and I don't have to turn her into a zombie' or this: 'maybe I shouldn't kidnap this girl I've liked forever and shove her in a room then get pissed off when she tries to escape her prison and meets a cool dude and I kill him, then expect her to love me because I'm such a manly guy'. It's never thinking, is it? It's either go, go, go, now, now, now or I'll do it tomorrow. So Steve wants me to like him, so does Hero, they're brothers, so it makes sense. But Notch, what's with you? I'm pretty sure you're repulsed by me, so why be trying to separate Hero and me? Coding reasons? Corruption? Bugs? What is it?"

Notch stood silent, his eye twitching. Taking a deep breath, he clenched his fists and stormed away, disappearing with each step. BEN clapped his hands. "And he's gone! It's over, I can continue scaring the living shit outta people who got Majora's Mask for the 3DS,"

"Nope," you replied. "Not over. If it were, I wouldn't have this feeling in my gut,"

"I can fix that," came a high, scratchy voice. "I'm sure some licorice ropes can be a good set of intestines,"

"You stay away from her, Laughing Jack," Hero snarled.

"I'm fine, Hero! He was joking. Right?" You told Hero, grabbing his shirt as Hero started toward LJ.

"Yeah. I was. You've got Slender and Herobrine breathing down my neck. I'm not gonna hurt you without being mauled myself,"

A/N: I love cameos! OwO

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