Part 31: The War has Begun

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You ran over to Herobrine's room and banged on the door, screaming louder than even Crazy Steve could ever scream. "STOP COWERING LIKE A BUNCH OF LITTLE GIRLS AND COME OUT HERE YA PSYCHOPATHIC KILLERS! WE GOT OURSELVES A CRAZY PIECE OF CODING THAT NEEDS TO BE STOPPED! SO GET OUT HERE NOW!" You slammed your shoulder on the doors and pulled them open with enough force to one-shot the Ender Dragon. "I ain't dealing with your bullshit. You fucking get out here right fucking now before I come in there,"

All of the Creepypastas squeaked and shuffled out. You gave your signature "now listen here or I'll stab you" smile and rubbed your hands together. "Okay, so, I have two people for you to meet. They are both from my head," you pointed toward Wildpath. "The cat lady is my emotions; Wildpath," you pointed again toward Quail. "And this is Quail, or SquidQueen. She's my derpiness. She may have a few screws loose, but she's useful and loyal. I think,"

"Yeah," someone scoffed. "And pigs can fly,"

You shot a glare to Hero and he immediately snapped his fingers. A little piglet being carried by a chicken flew over. "There, ya happy, Sanic?"

"That's not my flipping name!" Sonic.exe screeched.

"Don't care. I want you to listen to my rules. It's either you listen to me, and you don't get hurt, or you don't listen, and I fucking stab you in your sleep," You snarled and gave Sonic a death glare. He squeaked and scrambled back. "Now then, where were we? Ah, yes. So we have an extra two people into this... Um.... War. I'm guessing. You all have been pretty much trained-- one way or another-- to kill, correct?" They all gave a shaky nod. "Well forget it all. Our main mission is to capture Steve, and restore him to sanity. And if you are thinking maybe Hero can go into the coding, he would have done that already, obviously," Ten Creepypastas shut their mouths. "And no torturing, breaking anything, or whatever. Think you are the volunteers in a mental hospital. Be kind no matter what, do not scream, and only attack in self defense if he has a knife or whatever. I will be watching,"

"And how do you suppose that?" Asked a very skeptical Eyeless Jack.

You snapped your fingers and teleported right in his face, then lifted your feet above the ground while still keeping an icy stare at EJ. "I have my ways," you smiled evilly. "Okay, you people and monsters understand?" They all nodded feverishly. "You can all go ahead and get ready for war, as Steve will be expecting us. And that guy has some red stone skills,"

You walked over to Hero and smiled your usual smile. He gave a nervous one and laughed. "You're scary, you know,"

"Aw, thanks. Never thought a roomful of killers would be terrified of an eighteen-year-old,"

"Y'know... That kinda turned me on,"

You gave a devious smirk and wrapped your arms around Hero's neck. You could hear his heart thumping against his rib cage. You suddenly pushed him away as he leaned in for a kiss. "Haha, nope,"

Hero gave a fake gasp. "You're scary and mean (Y/N)!"

"No, I just have rules. Like never kiss someone with a hundred guys around. You could get cocky,"

"Yeah right I would!" Hero winked and licked his lips with his snake-like tongue.


"Jack ass,"

"Still ain't gonna happen. Especially not now,"

Hero threw his hands toward the floor. "Well you started it!"

"Well I ended it! So there! Ha!" You poked Hero's nose.

Hero grumbled and you gave a snicker and went off to your room to get your diamond armor and sword. Just in case. You grabbed some different shades of green dye and smeared it all over your armor; it looked just like the army's uniforms, despite the fact it was more form fitting and impossible to move any part of your body in any direction that the armor didn't allow. You put some ink on your fingers and put two lines on each of your cheeks, just under your eyes. You walked out of your room. "I'M LOCKED AND LOADED!" You called. All of the Creepypastas looked at you as a slight blush covered all of their faces. Except for Slender, he was still trying to fit his arms into the comparably tiny, blocky structure of the "men's" armor. "What?" You asked. "Am I not wearing pants?"

"Ehh... N-no. It's j-just...." EJ stuttered and trailed off.

Hero filled in. "That armor is a lot more form-fitting than I thought...." Hero licked his lips again and surveyed your body from bottom to top.

"Well," You snickered. "Ain't none of you getting this sexy body, ass hats. It's aaaallll mine," They all blushed an even deeper red as they let their dirty minds come up with some scenario of them kissing you. Hero was the reddest of them all. You smiled like a jack ass and continued on your way to the portal.

You hopped out of the portal, holding your sword's handle while it was still in its hilt, so you didn't swing at anything you weren't supposed to. You jumped at the sound of an unexpected voice. "So nice to see you again, (Y/N), did you finally get tired of that asshole?" (I know I'm using "ass" a lot, but bear with me. .3. Also, this is Wildpath. Not Stevareeno. XD)

"Actually, no. I got tired of not beating your ass to the ground,"

"Suit yourself. You'll learn to love me. Even if it takes a little.... Persuasion,"

"Yeah right. That's what all the antagonists in fanfictions say. I've read every Wattpad Minecraft x Reader out there, and the antagonists never win,"

"Fine then, but don't ignore the fact that this is war. We won't have many civil conversations during this 'War of Love', as I like to call it, especially not if you're trying to kill me,"

"Oh no, I'm not going to kill Steve," you purred, earning a surprised reaction from Steve. "I'm going to murder the idiot that's deciding who I should be with. I decide, and right now, it's not you,"

"And why is this?"

"Because the Steve I know would only try to protect me from danger, not try to take me away to some unknown place in your house for who knows what,"

You saw Steve's eyes once again flash back. "I-I'm s-- Damn it woman! Stop that! You're starting to get on my nerves! And you won't want to get on my nerves,"

"And you won't want to get on mine," you retorted.

"Fine, shall we make a deal?"

"About what?"

"About this war,"


You held out your hand and he grabbed it. You both shook. "The war has begun," you said in unison.

Herobrine x Reader: Eternal BondWhere stories live. Discover now