Part 22: The Plan

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"Yup," Herobrine mused, "I just wish it began... how should I say.... With less Steve,"

Herobrine gave that dumb little smirk that always says: I was right and you were wrong. "Sure, but maybe it could have started out with less of you trying to kill me because of Bob,"

Herobrine's smirk fell off his face and he huffed. It was your turn to give the smart-ass-smirk.

"L-let's just.... g-get on with i-it...." Herobrine mumbled.

You giggled. Now basically being a girl version of Herobrine with eyes, you teleported off to your room and shuffled through your chest.

"Okay... Gonna need a sword, possibly a pick, definitely an axe, ooh! Want a flint and steel, burn down his whole house..." you mumbled to your self, taking out every item named.

~Herobrine's POV~

I had to go make (Y/N) some form-fitting armor. I was just about to make it to an anvil when I heard three male squeaks.

"What the Nether?" I wondered, heading to check the noise.

As I removed a bookshelf, I saw three of (Y/N)'s favorite YouTubers huddled up into a corner looking like scared puppies. Felix, Adam, and Mark; or better known as Pewdiepie, SkydoesMinecraft, and Markiplier. Felix was screaming profound Swedish curses in his head.

"I can hear and understand that, Felix," I growled.

Felix looked at me, and continued screaming in his head. Adam was the first to peep up, "H-hey... Um... You don't happen to know where we might find a girl by the name of (Y/N)... Do you...?"

"Actually, I do. But I don't know why it's your concern," I spat. I didn't like Adam for many reasons, one being that his fans decided to mash him and me together to create "Skybrine". Yes, I know, maybe I should hate his fans for that, or just brush it off, but it's a stupid concept and I just don't like Adam anyway.

"Well..." Mark piped up, "She said that she might somehow be able to get us back home,"

"Well, not her herself," I replied, "But I could. I just need (Y/N) for a discussion,"

I walked out of the room and called for (Y/N). She appeared with her arms full of steak. As well as her mouth was full of steak.

~Your POV~

"Yeah?" You asked through a mouthful of steak.

"Some... YouTubers... are here. And I was wondering if it would be okay to drag them in to catching Steve glitching? I mean, we could very well leave Adam here or throw him back into the real world. Felix is more quiet and useful than Adam," Herobrine stated.

"No. We be keepin' SkydoesMinecraft or no Poods. Or Markimoo. Also, we could use Felix's fluent Swedish to mess with Steve's head,"

Herobrine gave you an "are you serious?" look, "(Y/N), Steve and I can both understand Swedish,"


"The game Minecraft was made in Sweden. Steve and I are Swedish,"

"Then how do you speak fluent English?"

"It makes more sense. You can understand what is going on easier, obviously," ((The fourth wall has been breached! I REPEAT! THE FOURTH WALL HAS BEEN BREACHED!))

"Okay then..."

"Well, I'll go announce it,"

Herobrine pushed open the door to find all of the YouTubers shuffling through the bookshelves. "I HAVE GREAT NEWS!" he boomed, catching their attention, "YOU GUYS WILL BE GOING HOME!" everyone started to cheer like little girls, "BUT! YOU HAVE TO HELP (Y/N) AND ME CATCH STEVE GLITCHING! I WILL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING LATER!"

You grinned. Things were getting fun.

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