King's Cross Station. Up on a crossing bridge, Athena, with her cart of her baggage, equipment and Hedwig, walk beside Hagrid. A couple look at Hagrid, suspiciously.Hagrid: What're you looking at? [Athena giggles at him. He then checks watch] Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, Athena, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore'll be wanting his- well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. [hands the train ticket] Stick to it, Athena that's very important. Stick to your ticket. [Athena looks at her ticket.]
Athena: Platform 9¾? But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9¾. There's no such there?
Athena looks up, but we now see that Hagrid has vanished and Athena is all alone with her cart. She starts walking down lane between trains. When a man rushes by.
"Hagrid" Minnie moo sighed deeply.
Man: Sorry.
Athena: It's okay sirAthena sees a guard.
"Oh please say you didn't thena" pleaded Hermione, Athena was suddenly interested in the ceiling.
Athena: Excuse me, excuse me.
Guard: Right on your left, ma'am.
Athena: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where I might find Platform 9¾?
Guard: [incredulous] 9¾? Think you're being funny, do ya? [he walks off]"Oh Athena" Lily chuckled fondly "I done the exact same thing" "YOU IDIOTIC GIRL YOU COULDVE EXPOSED US" screeched Walburga "She didn't know mother! She was raised by muggles and was just introduced to the wizarding world, yes it was stupid but you can't blame her for not knowing!" Regulus exclaimed defending Athena. Athena looked at him and mouthed 'thank you' he nodded his head back. Walburga was furious that her son just embarrassed her in front of everyone 'I'll have to teach him a lesson when this is over' she thought.
Athena then notices a woman, daughter, and four boys walk by, pushing carts.
Mrs. Weasley: It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course.
Athena: Muggles?
Mrs. Weasley: Come on. Platform 9¾ this way! All right, Percy, you first."Jeez Molly how many kids do you have?" "Well done Arthur mate" the Prewett twins say teasing the couple. Molly hits the backs of their heads whilst Arthur sits there red in the face.
A tall boy with red hair, called Percy, comes forward and runs towards a brick wall. Amazingly, he disappears right into it. Athena is gaping at the scene that just happened.
Mrs. Weasley: Fred, you next.
George: He's not Fred, I am!
Fred: Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother.
Mrs. Weasley: Oh, I'm sorry, George.[Fred moves towards the wall]
Fred: I'm only joking. I am Fred. [Athena giggles at him, upon hearing the giggle he looks at her and winks. He runs through the wall, and is followed by his twin brother. Athena shakes her head in disbelief.]"I LOVE THEM! Molly I'm taking them" Sirius laughed. Many students laughed at the Weasley twins, so they both stood up and bowed. "No boys!" James declared making Lily roll her eyes whilst James's friends nodded their heads in agreement.
Athena: Excuse me! C-could you tell me how to-
Mrs. Weasley: How to get on the platform? Yes, not to worry, dear. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. [pan to a red haired boy, called Ron, who smiles] Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous.
Ginny: Good luck."Aww look at ikkle Ginny" Athena teased pinching Ginnys cheeks "so sweet" "and innocent" the Weasley twins carried on. Ginny just rolled her eyes, used to the three's antics.
Athena takes a breath and runs at the wall. She shuts her eyes and emerges on the other side a magnificent station at Platform 9¾ with a red train, which is the Hogwarts Express, and bundles of people. A whistle blows, and Athena sighs with relief.
Everyone in the great hall cheers for Athena, apart from Walburga, Orion, Bellatrix and her guard dogs. Even Narcissa and Regulus smiled a bit but quickly hid it.
Hello loves!
How was this chapter?
I have decided to make Athena and Fred Lovers so I'm sorry if you didn't want them to be!
Have a great day/night
Don't forget to keep hydrated and take your medication🤍
I love you!⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

Athena Potter 🎞
FanfictionIn which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies. What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...