Chapter 7: Luna Lovegood

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The Hogwarts Express rushes past the moors of Scotland on its way to Hogwarts. Soon it is night again.


Athena, Ginny, Ron, Neville and Hermione exit the Hogwarts Express and move quickly through the crowd of students to the carriages that would take them to the castle. Athena is shown trying to trip up Ron, then laughing when she successfully manages to do so.

Many laugh at Ron causing the boy to turn bright red before glaring at Athena.

As they prepare to climb into one of the carriages, Athena stops and stares towards the front of the carriage. There is a large reptilian, horse-like creature harnessed to front whereas always before there was nothing.

Everyone sits, agape. "Those things have been carrying the carriages the whole time?" Frank whispers in shock.

Athena: [Mouth opening and closing in shock] What is that?
Ron: [Looking] What?
Athena: [Pointing] That...that...thing!

Ron stares for a long moment, then looks at Athena.

Ron: Thena, there's nothing there, mate...

"What?" Barty asked in astonishment, "you couldn't see that?" Lily asked Ron, the latter shaking his head.

Athena: [Shocked] Yes it is, it's right there!

She points. Ron shakes his head.

Luna Lovegood: I see them too, Athena

"Who the fuck said that?" Rabastan shrieks.

Athena turns to the voices direction. Luna Lovegood, a spacey-looking blonde girl, closes a colourful magazine. She smiles softly at Athena.

"She looks a lot like you, Pandora" Regulus says to his Ravenclaw friend. "She does, doesn't she" Pandora smiles at Regulus. "10 galleons the father is Xenophilius Lovegood" Barty says to Rosier, "you're on"

Athena: W-who are you?
Luna: Luna. Luna Lovegood

Rosier hands Barty his money.

Athena: Well, thank you Luna

They clamber into the carriage, Luna following. It starts moving.

Athena: [Turning to Luna] You're in Ginnys year, right?
Luna: That is correct
Hermione: What is it that you're reading?
Luna: [Smiling fondly at the magazine in her hand] The Quibbler

Hermione and Ron look at each other, confused. Ginny, Athena and Neville continue to connect with Luna. Athena already taking the girl under her wing, vowing to not let anyone hurt her.


Athena looks out into the darkness of the Hogwarts grounds. She spies Hagrid's hut in the dark. All three lights are off within.

"That looks so spooky" Barty comments.

Athena: [Sadly] Hagrid's cabin looks deserted
Hermione: I hope he's all right...
Ron: What if he were still on his...

"Still on his what!?" Shout the Marauders.

He glances at Luna, who has vanished behind the latest edition of the Quibbler.

Ron:...what if he's still on his mission from Dumbledore?

"What mission?!" Questioned the Marauders, "shut up!" Dorcas shouts at them.

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