Suddenly, Lucius Malfoy enters, dragging... Dobby by the ear.Many students scream insults at Lucius.
Athena: Dobby! This is your Master? The family you serve is the Malfoys!
Dobby nods, chagrined. Lucius Malfoy brushes past Athena.
"Watch it Malfoy" James growled.
Lucius Malfoy: Out of my way, Potter (to Dumbledore) So! You've returned!
Dumbledore: Yes. When the governors heard that Arthur Weasley's daughter had been taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back (a wry smile) Curiously, several of them seemed under the impression that you would curse their families if they didn't agree to suspend me in the first place, Lucius."Oooooo Lucy's in trouble" Bart snorted making many slytherins laugh.
Lucius Malfoy: From the beginning, my only concern has been the welfare of this school and its students. I assume the culprit has been identified.
Dumbledore: Oh yes. It was Voldemort. Only this time, he chose to act through someone else. By means of...this.As Dumbledore nudges the diary toward Lucius Malfoy, Athena sees Dobby nod meaningfully from the diary to Lucius.
Dumbledore: Fortunately, our young Ms. Potter discovered it (a chill to his voice) One only hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort's old school things find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible could be...severe.
Lucius Malfoy: We'll let's just hope Ms. Potter is always her to save the day
Athena: (glaring menacingly) Don't worry I will be.Everyone cheered for Athena. "She's so badass" "she's my idol" "I want to have her confidence"
Lucius Malfoy stares icily at Dumbledore, then turns away.
Lucius Malfoy: Come, Dobby. We're leaving.
As Dobby scuttles toward the door, Lucius Malfoy KICKS HIM through it, then exits himself. Athena stares at the empty doorway as DOBBY'S PAINFUL SQUEALS ECHO from the corridor.
Many glare at Lucius who looks appalled on what he just watched and heard.
Athena: Sir? I wonder if I could have that.
Dumbledore looks up, follows Athena's eyes to the diary.
"What are you planning Bambi" "Just wait and see dad" Athena smirked mischievously making many wonder what she did.
As the elevator opens, Athena dashes out.
Athena: Mr. Malfoy! I have something of yours.
Athena comes up running, forces the diary into Malfoy's hand.
Lucius Malfoy: Mine? I don't know what you're talking about.
Athena: I think you do, sir. I think you slipped it into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day in Diagon Alley.Narcissa starts screaming at Malfoy whilst the Weasleys give him a death stare.
Malfoy shoves the diary into Dobby's face, then leans close to Athena and, with a nasty grin, WHISPERS:
Lucius Malfoy: Prove it!
He turns away. As Dobby looks sadly back, clutching the diary in his hand, Athena mouths the words: Open it. Dobby looks down curiously. Inside... is a SOCK. He GASPS.
Many gasp and turn to Athena. Regulus looks at her "you didn't" "oh I did uncle reg" she smirked leaning back. Many are too gobsmacked to say anything. Barty, Regulus and Bellatrix burst out into laughter, teasing Lucius whilst Narcissa nodded her head at Athena.
Lucius Malfoy Dobby! Dobby come!
Dobby: (in wonderment) Master has given Dobby a sock. Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is... free!
Lucius Malfoy: What? I didn't --He wheels, sees Athena standing with one leg crossed: Her right ankle is bare. Instantly, Malfoy charges forth.
Lucius Malfoy: You've lost me my servant!
Dobby: You shall not harm Athena Potter!Dobby steps between and -- BANG! Malfoy flies backwards, lands in a crumpled heap. Rising, he stares murderously at Athena.
Everyone cheers for Dobby whilst Athena looks at the screen sadly.
Lucius Malfoy: Mark my words, Athena Potter. You'll meet the same sticky end as your parents one of these days. They were meddlesome fools too.
James and Lily's friends glare murderously at Lucius who apologises to the Potters.
With that, he turns, storms off.
Dobby: Athena Potter freed Dobby! Dobby ever repay her?
Athena: Just promise me something.
Dobby: Anything máam
Athena: [giggling] Never try to save my life againDobby grins then and -- CRACK! -- is gone.
As Athena turns to walk to the great hall she bumps into a chest, she looks up and sees Fred and George staring down at her.
Athena: Hello boys
Fred/George: We've been looking everywhere for you
Athena: [confused] why?
Fred: Our end of year prank tradition of course!
Athena: But we've only done it once
George: Well now it's going to be every year!
Athena: Okay I'm in [she shrugs]
George: Thank Merlin! Fred has been moaning that he hasn't spent any time with you this year [Fred shoves him]Athena laughs and takes hold of both boys arms. They walk down the corridor planning their next prank. They end up bumping into Peeves who is more than happy to help them, Peeves ends up giving them ideas and what they could do. Then the screen goes black.
"Peeves! Oh I love him" Athena said smiling. Fred coughed "what about me?" "Ehhh I guess I love you" Fred throws some of his snacks at her whilst she throws some back, they ended up causing a huge food fight int he great hall. The 3 little ones (Bill, Charlie and Tonks) ended up throwing food all over the teachers making many laugh. Everyone was shocked when they saw Minnie throw a pumpkin pie in Professor Sprouts face and even more shocked when Professor Flitwick charmed his plate of food to fly in all teachers faces.
Hello my loves!
How was this chapter?
Has anyone ever been in a food fight that included most of the school? I sure have 😂
Only 1 more chapter left then we've finished Chamber of Secrets!
Anyways have a great day/night
Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication otherwise Flitwick will charm food to fly at you🤍
I love you!⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

Athena Potter 🎞
FanfictionIn which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies. What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...