Chapter 4: The Dark Mark

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Arthur Weasley: Get yourselves dressed (fiercely) Now!

Everyone in the great hall jump at on-screen Arthur. Many share uneasy looks.

Athena, Ron and Hermione scramble out of the tent and stare with disbelief at the hellish tableaux before them. All around them, people run in terror, trampling fires and kicking up sparks. Then they see why: a teeming clot of black-robed wizards, faces concealed behind hideous masks, are marching across the campsite, laughing drunkenly. Some clutching torches, lighting tents on fire whilst walking past.

Those who recognised the wizards gasp in horror. The parents of the future generation all grab hold of their soon-to-be children. Keeping them close.

Hermione: (trembling) Death Eaters.

Athena looks puzzled by this, but as Mr Weasley draws his wand, Athena does the same without question.

All the auroras nodded slightly, too shocked to give compliments to the twos quick thinking.

Arthur Weasley: No. Get back to the portkey, all of you. And stick together. Fred, George, you're responsible for Ginny. Ginny, you listen to your brothers.

Arthur Weasley runs off in one direction and the rest of the kids another. Athena streaks past blazing tents. Lost in the mob, she falls back. Fred and George — Ginny in tow - flash briefly in the crowd, then vanish. Hermione turns, frantic eyes finding Athena's just as she and Ron vanish as well.

No body could move or say anything, everyone was as frozen as a statue. Eyes trained the big screen.

Athena dashes on, buffeted back and forth by the raging crowd. She stumbles, falls, struggles to rise, is trampled again. Boot heels punish the earth all around her. One strikes her temple...hard. She collapses. Out cold. All goes black.

"How could they leave a child on the floor!? I understand they were scared but fuck me I would've still helped!" Screams a frustrated Theo "well that's surprising but I agree with you" comments Blaise who gets a whack round the head by Theo. Everyone nodded in agreement. Hermione and the rest of the weasley children turned and looked at Athena who smiles at them "it's in the past guys don't worry".

High over the campsite, a ruin now, drifting in smoke. A child appears, tear-streaked, wailing for his mother. As he passes out of view, camera finds Athena, still lying upon the ground. Her eyelids flutter...


Far in the distance a figure is shown, striding through the teeming smoke like a ghost. The man pauses, surveys the devastation before him, and lifts his wand to the sky.

Regulus and his friends squint their eyes at the screen, then turn to look at Barty jr, then back at the screen.

Unknown man: MORSMORDE!

The ex death eaters all pale.

A pearl of thunder shakes the earth and an eerie green blooms in the sky. Athena squints painfully, gripping her scar, she eyes the man who seems to have noticed her. He slowly starts to walk to her. Getting closer and closer and closer....

Hermione (O.S.): (Screams) Athena!

Hermione and Ron race towards Athena, who's still led on the ground, they quickly help her up.

Hermione: Athena!
Ron: Thought we'd lost you, mate. And then..

Just then, a popping fills the air and –– one after another ten Ministry Wizards apparate into view, wands poised.

"Shit" "Shut the fuck up dog" "watch your mouth Reggie I'm older than you" "yeah I can tell, I see those grey hairs" "AAAHHHHH!!"

Athena: DUCK!
Ministry Wizards: STUPEFY!

As they hit the ground, ten jets of fiery red light electrify the air inches above their heads.

"What the fuck!" Screams Mia "They are kids you stupid pricks!" Andromeda yells "yeah pricks!" Tonks giggled.

Arthur Weasley: Stop! That's my son! (Dashing forward) Ron –– Athena –– Hermione –– are you all right?
Barty Crouch: (angry) Which one of you conjured it?

"Of course my stupid father thinks they conjured it" Barty rolls his eyes "Mate your father dumb as hell" Theo shrugged "mhmm dumb as hell" Blaise nodded.

Athena and the others turn, watch Barty Crouch –– a stiff man with a toothbrush moustache and steely eyes –– emerge through the haze.

Arthur Weasley: Mr. Crouch, you can't possibly ––
Barty Crouch: Do not lie! You've been discovered at the scene of the crime!
Athena: (confused) Crime?

Crouch wheels, pointing his wand directly at Athena, eyes glittering lethally when...he notices Athena's scar. Athena then glares at the man.

Amos Diggory: Barty. They're just kids....

Athena watches Bartys every move. The man blinks, lowers his wand.

Athena: (not taking her eyes off of Barty Crouch) What crime?
Hermione: (nodding to the sky) That''s the dark mark, Athena. It's...his mark.
Athena: Then those people ––
Arthur Weasley: (grimly) Death eaters.

Many younger years all whimper, those older students and adults tremble slightly.

Athena takes in the information, nodding slightly. She then gazes back to where the unknown man was last stood.

Athena: There was someone before. A man.
Arthur Weasley: A man? Who, Athena?
Athena: Dunno. One minute he was there, then...not. I never saw his face. Could've been anybody...
Barty Crouch: Go! Come on! (All the ministry wizards follow him to where the unknown man was last seen)

Athena is shown looking up, then glaring. The camera pans up and shows a colossal skull of emerald stars erupting the sky, a serpent coiling from its mouth.

The great hall pale at the sight of the dark mark, none paler than the ex death eaters.

Hello my loves!
How was this chapter?
I thought as an early Christmas present I'd publish a chapterrrr🎄
I want to start writing again but sadly I won't be publishing everyday like I used too!
I also want to say a HUUUGGGEEE thank you to all of you! Your sweet messages made me cry 🥰
If I don't publish before Christmas Day I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, I love you all!
Make sure to stay hydrated and take your medication or Santa won't deliver your presents ;)

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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