Chapter 21: The curse

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Athena looks pleadingly at Kreacher.

Athena: You know where he is, don't you?
Kreacher: [Sighs] Master does not tell Kreacher where he goes
Athena: I know you know where he is, please Kreacher...tell me...

"Please don't" Sirius says.

Kreacher looks at Athena with sympathy.

Kreacher: Master is at the Department of Mysteries!

"No!" James breathed out. Sirius closes his eyes and shakes his head. Athena swallows thickly.

Athena gapes. Kreacher walks away to finish the rest of his chores.

Hermione (v.o): Athena!

A stubby hand appears in the fire over Athena's head and grabs her hair, yanking her back. Both head and hand vanish from the fireplace.


Umbitch throws Athena to the floor.

"What is with teachers and throwing MY child around!" Lily fumed. She glared at Umbridge and Snape, who of which shivered and cowered under her gaze.

Umbitch: You think you could simply walk into my office without me knowing about it? Foolish girl!

Athena looks around the room. Malfoy leans against a windowsill. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Theo, Blaise, Ron and Neville are under guard by the Inquisitional Squard, their wands piles on the floor.


Umbitch draws her wand and waves it at Athena.

Umbitch: Accio wand!

Athena's wand flips from her pocket to Umbitches hand.

Umbitch: Who were you trying to contact?

"Like Athena would tell you" Regulus laughed.

Athena: None of your god-damned-frog-looking-ass business bitch!

"Told you" Regulus smirked. A few chuckled at Athena.

Umbitch: I don't like your attitude, stop it
Athena: Sanitise your attitude as well

"You want some ice for that burn Miss Froggy?" Lily taunted Umbridge, making many laugh.

Umbitch: Watch your tongue, young lady. Now answer my question
Athena: Oh darling. Go buy a brain. I ain't telling you shit

"Athena vs Umbitch part 6001," jokes Blaise.

Umbitch: Enough! You, Miss Potter, are incredibly rude. Now tell me before I use more extreme methods!
Athena: fuck you, next!

"This is so funny" wheezed Monty, earning a whack on the arm by Mia, who, was trying her hardest not to laugh.

Umbitch: Athena Potter, you will answer me
Athena: Look, Umbitch–I mean Umbridge, I'm a nice person, but I'm not here to take your shit. I'm not going to answer you, so jog on
Umbitch: [Finally having enough] Draco, would you fetch Professor Snape, please?

Draco leaves. Umbitch smiles sickeningly at Athena.

Snape: You wished to see me?
Umbitch: I have just caught Potter trying to communicate with someone in my fire. I need some Veritaserum. Truth syrum
Snape: Well, it appears that I cannot help. I have none

Everyone laughs at Umbitchs misfortune.

Athena: He's got Padfoot at the place it's hidden!
Umbitch: What? What does that mean?
Snape: Potter, if I want nonsense shouted at me, I shall inform you

He sweeps from the office. Umbitch is enraged.

Umbitch: We've played nicely, Potter. You leave me no choice!

She draws her wand, moving menacingly at Athena.

Umbitch: You could have saved me a lot of trouble if those Dementors i sent to your house had finished you off!
Athena: [Narrowing her eyes] You sent the Dementors!
Umbitch: Of course I did! Someone had to act!

The room got extremely cold, everyone felt someone's magic going haywire. Everyone turned to see a fuming Lily marching up to Umbridge. James ran up to her and held her back but she kept trying to reach Umbridge. Not even saying a word.

She points her wand at Athena's chest.

Umbitch: CRUCIO!

Athena screams as the curse washes over her. She slumps to the ground, shaking wildly.

James let go of Lily and she ran straight up to Umbridge. Umbridge screamed and tried running away with and angry red-haired on her tail. Not saying a word.

Hermione: No! Please, stop!

Umbitch looks pleased and turns to Hermione.

Umbridge: Well, well
Athena: Hermione, no!
Hermione: We have to tell her, Athena...
Athena: I would rather die!
Umbitch: Shut up, Potter! Now talk, you silly girl! Who were you talking to?
Hermione: We were trying to find Professor Dumbledore. We had to tell him...
Umbitch: Tell him?
Hermione: That it's ready. The weapon

The Aurors all smile at Hermiones distraction.


Hello my loves!

Sorry for the late post I've been super busy

How was this little chapter?

1 more chapter to go til we've finished OOTP

Does anyone know what is? I've non stop been using it😂😂😂

Have a good day/night

Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication!!!

I love you🫶🏻

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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