We hone in on a snake crawling through the undergrowth.Those who were scared of snakes look away.
An old man lights a gas oven with a match, he is preparing food. He notices a light on in the large house opposite, he stops what he's doing and walks to the door.
Old Man: Bloody kids.
"I don't have a good feeling about this" Mia cuddled closer to Monty.
He leaves the house and heads towards the light.
The old man is wandering up to the house carrying a lit torch. He opens the front door, inside is just as dark. He begins climbing the stairs, we hear whispers and hushed voices coming from upstairs. The old man waits outside the room where the conversation is
taking place and listens on."No please leave" pleaded Andromeda.
Wormtail: Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it
without the girl..Everyone glared at Peter.
Voldemort: NO! The girl is everything, it cannot be done without her and it WILL be done exactly as I say.
People shivered hearing Voldemorts voice, the ex deatheaters were all cursing his name and making slight comments about his face.
Unknown Man: I will not disappoint you my lord.
Voldemort: Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign.The ex deatheaters all place a hand over their dark mark, frowning.
A snake slithers past the old man and into the room.
Voldemort: Nagini tells me the old caretaker is standing outside the door.
"Run!" Screams the great hall
Wormtail stands in the doorway and looks at the old man. The old man looks terrified.
Voldemort: Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting.
A loud spell is cast and Athena wakes up in a flash of panic.
"Y-you dreamt that?" James whispered to Athena, she just nodded and looked down.p. "Is he dead?" Asked a 1st year Hufflepuff. Athena looked to them and smiled softly "Yeah, yeah he is" the Hufflepuff started crying for the old man.
Hermione: Athena! [Athena is flustered and still panicking
Athena: Hermione?
Hermione: Are you alright?
Athena: Hermione. Bad dream. When did you get here?
Hermione: Just now. You?
Athena:Last night."Hang on whose bed are you sleeping in" James narrowed his eyes, Athena got up and ran behind Bellatrix, Fred ran behind Athena. James, Sirius, Remus and Monty all stood up and went to where Athena and Fred were. Bellatrix stood protectively in front of them, "leave them alone, now!" the 4 men all glared at Fred but decided to walk back to their seats, Athena and Fred thanked Bellatrix and sat next to her, Rodolphus, Barty, Regulus, Evans and Rabastan all glared at Fred.
Hermione walks out of Fred and George's room and walks into Rons, Athena following behind, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Athena trips over her own feet but manages to prevent herself from falling, Hermione turns and looks at the girl, Athena grins at her and waves. Hermione goes over to Ron's bed.
Everyone laughs at Athena whose gone bright red.
Hermione: Wake up. Wake up Ronald!
Ron: Bloody hell! [He pulls his covers over him]
Athena: Don't worry Ron, we already saw your pink night gown [She laughs making Hermione chuckle, Ron glares at the girl]Everyone laughs at Ron and Athena's comment.
Hermione: Honestly. Get dressed, and don't go back to sleep. Come on Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready.
Hello my loves!
How was this Chapter?
Publishing chapters everyday might be a bit of a struggle at the moment because I'm having massive family issues, so I'm going to apologise before hand if I don't post for a long time!
Have a good day/night
Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication otherwise you'll be forced to wear Rons pink night gown😂🤍
I love you!⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

Athena Potter 🎞
FanfictionIn which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies. What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...