Camera pans the walls of Lockhart's office, lined with framed photographs of... Gilderoy Lockhart. Athena and Lockhart work by candlelight at an ornate desk. Bleary- eyed, Athena addresses envelopes, while a cheery Lockhart puts his signature to the stack of glossy photos bearing his image.Lockharts haters groan at the sight of seeing him again.
Lockhart: Athena, Athena, Athena... Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fan mail?
Athena: Of course I can I have better plans! Why would I want to spend time doing your dirty work?Everyone laughs at Athena "oh I love you dear daughter of mine" James said rolling off the sofa, Athena smiles brightly at her father.
Lockhart: Fame's a fickle friend, Athena. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that.
Athena: [muttering] What the fuck does that even mean?Athena just shakes her head, glancing gloomily at the towering stack of envelopes that remain. Dipping her quill, she starts to write, when... a chilly voice fills the room.
Voice: Come... come to me...
"What the fuck is that" James screams and hides behind Lily. Sirius jumps onto Remus' lap making both boys blush. Fred pulls Athena onto his lap wanting to keep her close. Hermione and Ron felt shivers down their spines. Many younger years scream in fright. Charlie, Bill and Tonks run to their family's screaming and crying. Hermione and Ron look at Athena with an apologetic face, she waves it off.
Athena: What?
Lockhart: I was saying, six solid months at the top of the bestseller list! Broke all records! [Athena rolls her eyes]
Athena: No... not you, I'm not interested in what you have to say, that... voice."He didn't hear that" Prewett twins questioned Athena, she shook her head.
Lockhart: Voice?
Athena: That... voice. Didn't you hear it?
Lockhart: What are you talking about, Athena? I think we're getting a bit drowsy. Great Scott -- and no wonder -- look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! Dinner's nearly done! If you hurry you might make pudding. Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun!"Oh you poor girl, 4 hours with him" Regulus shook his head making his friends and Sirius laugh.
Athena: Spooky!
Athena passes quickly through the lengthening shadows of the empty corridor, when...
Voice: Blood... I smell blood...
Athena stops cold, looking around for the source of the voice.
Voice: Let me rip you... let me kill you...
Athena steps to the wall, playing her fingers along the stone, then begins walk, slowly at first, then more quickly, as if following something, moving faster and faster, rounding the corner and coming face to face with... Hermione and Ron.
"Ahhhh" screams Sirius "Could you not scare me to death at the brilliant age of 18" Hermione and Ron just roll their eyes at him.
Hermione: Athena!
Athena: Did you hear it?
Ron: Hear what?
Athena: that....voice
Hermione: [panicking] Voice? What voice?
Athena: [eyes darting around] I heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again, just --
Voice: Kill... Time to kill...As Athena stiffens, Hermione and Ron study her curiously.
Athena: It's moving. I think it's going to... kill.

Athena Potter 🎞
FanfictionIn which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies. What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...