In which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies.
What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...
A/N: I realised I'd be really mean if I didn't write up the whole of the third task including the cemetery scene so here you guys go! This will be a long chapter, so sit back, relax and enjoy!
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As the wind whistles through the creaking crossbeams. Athena finishes combing Hedwig and sets her in a nesting slot. She considers the trio of blood drops on the feather-strewn floor, then peers out the window. On the Quidditch Pitch, the walls of a maze now stand, nearly twenty feet high.
"The fuck did they do to my pitch!" Yelled James "Mr Potter, one language and two it is not your pitch" Minnie moo says sharply. "Yes it is" James mumbled under his breath. Sirius and Athena who had heard him, started giggling. Sirius, because he found it funny and Athena, because she remembered what she had said in the next clip.
Athena: [muttering angrily] The fuck did they do to my pitch!
Athena's family and friends including a few students started laughing. Professor Mdawg rolled her eyes and sighed, she was 100% going to hand in her leavers notice.
Outside the maze. Sunset. The contestants are gathered, each at a separate entrance. Each is accompanied by a handler –– Karkaroff for Krum, Madame Maxine for Fleur, Amos Diggory for Cedric. All are nervous.
"And I don't blame them" Andromeda said.
Krum is standing, his head lowered liked an ox, face blank. Karkaroff whispers urgently in his ear.
"Kinky" chorused the Weasley twins and Prewett twins.
Maxine, accompanied by Gabrielle, is massaging scented oils into a subdued Fleur. Amos Diggory is instructing and practicing useful spells with Cedric.
The air is full of tension, the crowd subdued.
Athena stands alone. She looks through the nearest entrance and sees the long threatening tunnel of the Maze's first alley stretching away from her, high and full of shadows.
"You got this little James!" Encouraged Mia.
Moody limps over to Athena, roughly squeezing her shoulder. Throughout the above, Dumbledore addresses the crowd:
Dumbledore: Earlier this evening, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup within the maze. Only he knows where it resides. As the scoring is close, the first to touch the Cup will become the first Triwizard champion in over one hundred years!
Everyone sucked in a breath.
The crowd roars. We quickly pan to the Weasleys who were stood with Hermione and Neville. Hermione had her eyes closed and fingers crossed muttering some words, Neville had a weak smile on his face, Ginny and Ron looked terrified and finally George and Fred had proud looks on their faces however in their eyes, you could see they were petrified for Athena.