Break 5

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The screen turned off and everyone started shouting questions and wondering what the hell was going to happen now.

"Silence!" Minnie yelled over the top of everyone's voices. The room suddenly became quiet, "I want everyone to return back to their sleeping quarters. We have two more movies left which we shall finish tomorrow," Minnie continued. Groans were heard around the hall.

"Buuut Minnieee I don't wanna go to bed," Athena groaned dramatically. Minnie just sighed and shook her head, everyone else looked amused at the girl. Athena flopped down on the sofa and continued to be dramatic, James, Sirius and Remus, the Prewett and Weasley Twins, Theo and Blaise, Barty and Rabastan all joined in too. All kicking up a fuss that they had to go to bed early.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit," Minnie muttered, making the professors and Aurors sat near her, laugh.

"If you don't get up, no quidditch!" Minnie said with a smirk, the group stopped being dramatic and looked at Minnie with wide eyes. "That's right! No quidditch, if you continue to act like five year olds," Minnie continues, the group stand up and act like they weren't just kicking off because it was bedtime. "That's what I thought. Now off to bed, all of you," Minnie demanded.

Everyone piles out of the Great Hall, walking to their respective houses. Athena was walking along with her Grandparents and friends when suddenly she got an idea. She turned around and raced back down the corridor.

"Athena?!" Monty shouted in confusion.

Athena ran up to her father and his friends. "Dad! Dad!" She shouts, James stops in his tracks and turns around, seeing Athena running up to him, she stops infront of him with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What's wrong, Bambi?" James tilts his head, the others listening in the conversation too. Athena steps closer and whispers in James' ear, James starts smiling mischievously too and nods to whatever Athena said. "Perfect, see you soon Bambi," James grins.

An hour and a half later, the Hogwarts castle was incredibly quiet. Everyone fast asleep in their beds, except a massive group of people. "Ouch Ron!" Hermione hissed. "Sorry Mione," Ron whispers.
The group consisted of Mia, Monty, Andromeda, Ted, Molly, Arthur, Athena, Hermione, Neville, Fred and George, Theo and Blaise, Ron, Ginny, Draco, James, Lily, Fabian, Gideon, Sirius, Remus, Alice and Frank, Marlene and Dorcas, Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Rabastan, Rodolphus, Barty, Regulus and Evan. They were all making their way to the Quidditch Pitch.

"Right, how are we going to do the teams?" Rodolphus asked. "I say we do children vs parents," Fred says. Everyone nods. "Okay so Athena, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Draco and Blaise you'll be one team, James, Sirius, Fabian, Gideon, Lucius, Regulus and Evan are another team," Monty says.

The two teams make their way to the broom cupboard and grab out some brooms along with other Quidditch gear. "You are going down, Bambi," James smirked. "Yeah right!" Athena rolled her eyes and playfully nudged her father.

Everyone got into their spots. The children's team were: Athena as the seeker, Fred and George as the beaters, Ron as the Keeper, Ginny, Draco and Blaise as the chasers. On the parents team were: James as the seeker, Fabian and Gideon as the beaters, Evan as the Keeper, Regulus, Sirius and Lucius as the chasers.

Everyone else was sat in the quidditch stands, filled with excitement. Monty stood in the middle of the pitch, looking up at all the players on their brooms. "Ready?" He asks, all the players nod. Monty blows the whistle and all the quidditch balls go flying up. The game has begun.

The score was currently 60-50. Everyone was having fun, instead of tension there was joy in the air. Barty had lost his voice because he was screaming and cheering too much, Bellatrix may have sent a hex to him to shut him up. Just as Sirius was about to throw the Quaffle at the keepers hoops, a loud whistle was heard and everyone froze. They all turned towards the entrance of the pitch and see Minnie and the other Professors standing there.

"You know, it's quite rude not to invite us to the game," Minnie chuckled. "Children vs parents, now that's a game I would love to see," Flitwick said. All the Professors walked towards the stands and sat down. "Please continue," Minnie said.

The game continued for hours. No body won though, because Sirius thought it would be funny to try backflip off his broom, he ended up going to the hospital wing. But it was quite a funny sight. Everyone packed away the quidditch gear and made their way back to the castle. Fred and Athena were holding hands the entire time, making the men scowl and the women coo at the sight.

Athena seemed to be zoned out as she walked and Fred noticed instantly. "What's the matter, love?" Fred asked, peering down at the girl. Athena shook her head and looked back at her parents and their friends. Watching their happy faces and listening to their laughter. "Only two more movies left. Two more and then we leave...I've gotten so used to being around them that I don't want to go back," Athena sighed and looked up at Fred. Fred smiled sadly at his fiancé.

"I know love, but just think, they may not be with you in our time but at least you got to meet them and create memories with them. They are so proud of you and always will be. You know that...You might not see them but they'll always be with you," Fred said, Athena listened to his words and nodded slightly, "Just keep making memories with them before we leave," Fred continued before kissing the top of her head.

It was the next morning and everyone was piling into the Great Hall for breakfast. Athena had been pondering Fred's words all night and decided to take his advice. That whole morning, during breakfast, she made memories with her parents and grandparents as much as she could. She memorised their laughter and their voices. It was like a souvenir to her.

Breakfast had came to an end and everyone sat down on the couches that magically appeared. Athena sat down in-between her parents, Fred was going to sit next to his brother but Lily dragged him to sit next to her something about 'wanting to get to know her future son-in-law'.

The screen appeared and turned on.


Hello my loves!

How are you?

How was this chapter?

The quidditch game🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Have a good day/night!

Make sure to stay hydrated and take your medication ✌🏻

I love you guys!🤍

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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