Chapter 8: Buckbeak

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The trio emerge from the BRIDGE and make their way toward Hagrid's hut. The Whomping Willow looms in the distance.

Hermione: Death omens. Honestly. If you ask me, Divination's a very wooly discipline. Now Ancient Runes. That's a fascinating subject.
Ron: Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?
Hermione: A fair few.
Ron: Hang on. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once.
Hermione: Don't be silly. How could anyone be in two classes at once? [mimicking Trelawney] Broaden your minds...[Athena snorts]

Most of the great hall laugh at Hermione others (Ravenclaws, Lily and Remus) try and figure out how Hermione is taking loads of classes that year.

STUDENTS gather around Hagrid as Athena, Ron and Hermione arrive. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle stand with the Slytherins.

"Best lesson ever! Apart from uncle Moonys, Draco really liked this lesson didn't you" Athena teased making Draco roll his eyes and smile at her sarcastically.

Hagrid: C'mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin' up. Follow me.

Hagrid leads them toward a small paddock just this side of the Forbidden Forest. In the paddock, a freestanding IRON RACK hangs with DEAD FERRETS, BUZZING with FLIES. Nearby is a PUMPKIN PATCH.

Hagrid: Gather 'round. Find yerself a spot. That's it. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books --
Draco: And exactly how do we do that?

Hagrid looks. Belts, rope, Spellotape: any means available have been employed to bridle The Monster Book of Monsters, which QUIVER VIOLENTLY.

The great hall laughs whilst Hagrid looked at Minnie sheepishly.

Hagrid: Crikey. Didn' yeh know? All yeh've got ter do is stroke 'em. Look --

Hagrid takes Hermione's copy, SNAPS the Spellotape binding it. As it begins to BITE, Hagrid calmly runs a forefinger down the book's spine and it... SHIVERS. Falls quietly open. Hagrid glances at the class, looking suddenly unsure.

Neville starts grumbling under his breath which makes Athena laugh.

Hagrid: Righ' then. So... so... yeh've got yer books, an' now yeh need the Magical Creatures. Right. So... I'll... I'll go an' get 'em.

Hagrid turns, disappears into the trees. Draco shakes his head, SPEAKS LOUDLY to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Oh no" Said Draco, Narcissa looks at him and raises an eyebrow, Draco doesn't dare to look at his mothers face so he slowly moves away from her making her question what's going to happen next.

Draco: God, this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes.

Insults were shouted at Draco whilst Narcissa balled her fists up.

Athena: [glaring and walking towards Draco] Listen, you stupid prat --

"Oh I love angry Athena" Ginny sighed dreamily, everyone who's experienced Athena's angrier look at her with a strange face "what?" Ginny looks around, noticing the looks she was getting.

Eyes WIDENING in fear, Malfoy steps back, points.

Draco: Potter, there's a Dementor behind you.

Athena JUMPS, wheels in fear, finds... nothing. Instantly, the SLYTHERINS make an eerie OOH... and OOH sound, then break up laughing. Athena reddens, embarrassed...

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