Chapter 8: Professor Umbridges' Class

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Athena enters her shared dormitory with the boys. Within the room are a number of poster beds. Athena walks to hers and sits down, accompanied by Neville.

Also in the room are Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan.

Dean: So why didn't your mum want you to come back to Hogwarts, Seamus?
Athena: [Slightly shocked] What?
Seamus: Me mam didn't want me to come back to Hogwarts...
Neville: How comes?
Seamus: [Pointing to Athena] Well...because of you...

"I'm sorry what?!" Dorcas said in a flabbergasted tone.

Athena: The fuck did I do?
Seamus: She...well, she figures you're,'re lying about You-Know-Who and Dumbledore's a right nutter...
Athena: Well the second parts true but the first part ain't. Where'd she get that from?

Seamus picks up an edition of the Daily Prophet and tosses it to Athena. Athena catches it and looks at the front page. It reads: "Athena Potter: Girl Hero uses lies to seek attention" with the subheading of "Hogwarts Headmaster buys her story".

All of a sudden, everyone could feel anger radiating off of two students. Lily Evans and James Potter. The two sat there, glaring at the screen. Their anger bubbling, getting the stronger by the second, causing many around them to suffocate and move away slightly. "We can feel their angry magic from all the way over here" Whispered Daniel, "Angry magic?" Replies one of his friends. "Angry Magic" Daniel nods his head.

Athena: [Trying to control her anger] So...she believes this stuff?
Seamus: Well...yeah...
Athena: [Taking a deep breath] But...but you believe me, don't you?

Seamus and Dean looks away whilst Neville nods his head at his godsister. Athena smiles gratefully at Neville before glaring at the other two in the room. She then walks out the room, Neville following after her.


Athena and Neville sit on top of the Astronomy Tower, looking out over the lake and the forbidden forest in the distance, Hagrid's hut, dark and foreboding at the edge of the forest. Hedwig sits on the parapet next to Athena.

Athena: [Whispering softly] I feel alone...

"Oh sweetheart" Mia cried.

She turns and leans against the stone parapet, then slides down to the ground, bringing her knees up to her chest. Neville walks over and sits down. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Neville: You aren't alone Thena. You have me, the Twins, Hermione, Ron, Theo and Blaise

Hedwig takes off into the night, flying over the castle.


Athena runs down the halls of Hogwarts. She skids around a corner and pushes through the door to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. The whole class looks around at Athena as she comes staggering in.

Those who were in this class all smirk at one another.

Athena: Sorry, Professor

Professor Umbridge smiles, toad-like, at Athena.

Umbridge: Hmm, let's see, five points from Gryffindor for coming in late

Athena frowns slightly, but sits down next to Ron and Hermione. In front of Blaise, Neville and Theo.

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