Break 2

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Once the screen had turned off, everyone started chatting about what they had just seen. The ex deatheaters were still in shock with what they had found out and just sat there, Athena stood up and walked over to them, offering them a kinda smile "May I sit please?" Bellatrix eyes the girl and nods "Thank you" Athena takes a seat next to Barty, Regulus walked over along with Narcissa, Lucius and Draco. "I know it you have many questions about...him" "the twat" mumbled Rolodophus "Yes the twat, I'm more than happy to answer the best I can, I also would like to apologise with the way you found out and being lied and manipulated too" Athena looked around at them, who still wore solemn expressions. "I hope now that you know the truth you can make amends with people and even turn your life around because I can tell you now each and every one of you became quite the maniac in the future" they chuckled at that. Bellatrix looked at Athena "He told us he was pureblooded he always told us he was and how halfbloods and muggleborns were filthy witches and wizard how no matter what they are always below us. All the things we do or say are what he tells us to do or his thoughts are what we say. Now, and I speak for everyone here, we don't know what to do, how do we make amends with people we've lost, how do we go about and be our true selves when all we've known is how to be him" Bellatrix said sadly.

Athena looked at her and then Narcissa and replied, "you can start by talking to your older sister. In the future when I met Andromeda she used to tell me all about you 3s mischief, she told me how much fun you used to have, maybe just maybe you can start there. I know it'll be weird talking to her and you wouldn't know what to say but take her somewhere private and chat, as for the rest of you why don't you do the same too, talk to your brother and sisters who don't talk to you anymore, maybe make friends in other houses" Athena turns and smiles at Draco who smiles back at her, "if me and Draco can become friends you guys can too" they all laughed, well Bellatrix cackled. "If you would excuse me I would like to go spend some time with my parents, you guys are more than welcome to join" Athena stood up as she was about to walk away Barty said "I'm sorry Potter, for what the twat done. Everyone should grow up with their parents around" All the ex deatheaters nodded in agreement, Athena smiled at them and nodded her head and walked over to her parents.

Lily who had seen her daughter ran over and hugged her tightly, James came over and joined the hug. The family of 3 stood there silently in each others embrace. James then let go and Lily held Athena at arms length "you young lady are going to give us all grey hairs before we even finish school" Lily giggled, whilst their friends nodded in agreement. Lily, James and Athena went and sat with, Sirius, Remus, Mia and Monty, The Weasleys, The Prewetts, The longbottoms, Dorcas, Marlene and Hermione. They all chatted and got to know one another later Regulus came over along with Barty, Evan Rosier, the LeStranges, Narcissa and her family, Andromeda and Ted. At first the Gryffindors stiffened at the sight of the Slytherins but later relaxed and started conversation with them, turns out they had a lot more in common then they thought, Regulus and his friends were thinking of joining the marauders when it comes to pranking the teachers. Athena looked around at everyone smiling in content, she had an odd family, but she loved it. She felt an arm go around her waist she turned and saw her boyfriend laughing at something Draco, Ron and George said.

Dumbledore stood up and raised his hands "If you please stand so I can transfigure the sofas back into the tables, we will have lunch and then move onto movie number 3" everyone stood up and the 4 long tables came into view. Athena sat in between Her dad and her boyfriend, on James' left sat Lily, Sirius, Marlene, Dorcas, Andromeda, Tonks and Narcissa. On Fred right sat George, Fabian, Gideon, Ginny, Ron and Hermione. In front of Athena sat Remus, on his right sat Peter, Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Ted, Bellatrix and Lucius, on his left sat Alice, Frank, Neville, Regulus, Barty, Evan, The LeStranges. Everyone was starting conversations with each other again, Bellatrix was making funny faces at the 3 kids, Frank, Ginny and Regulus were talking about quidditch, Barty, Hermione and the LeStranges were talking about books whilst Evan and Ron were talking about food. The Weasley twins and Prewett twins were talking Pranks, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Dorcas and Marlene were talking about what might happen in the third movie. Alice started talking to Athena about Fred and gushing over how cute they are together. Later everyone was sat back on their sofas except the Slytherins joined Athena and her family, suddenly there was a bright light and two people fell out.

"Ahhhh what the actual fuck was that"
"Get off me you fat fucking shit"
"Oh have you know I'm on a diet you skinny piece of shit"
"Is this diet called Honeydukes by any chance"

Two boys stood up whilst glaring at each other. Athena stood up "Theo! Blaise!" "Little shit!" The boys exclaimed Athena ran to the boys bringing them into a hug she stepped back "where are we Athena" "we are in the past! We are watching movies about my life and stuff" "oh that makes total sense" "really?" "Fuck no" "I think it's best if you introduce yourself" Dumbledore said smiling, the two boys glared at the old man whilst Athena walked back to her sofa. A boy with fluffy brown hair grinned "hello fuckfaces I'm Theodore Nott, I'm 20 and Slytherin" "yes yes out of the way Theo" A dark skinned boy pushed him out of the way "Hello I'm Blaise Zabini I'm 20 I'm a Slytherin and I'm the better looking Slytherin too" "fuck off Zabini no you ain't" "am too" "are not" "am too" "are not" "am too" "are not" "Okay shitheads come sit down before you bore us" Athena rolled her eyes, the boys did as they were told.

They sat in front of Athena, on the floor next too George who briefed them in on what happened so far, safe to say the two boys were pissed at the Dursleys, Blaise kept trying to flirt with Fred but Athena was having none of it, everyone laughed when Athena chased Blaise round the hall. Before the movie started Athena jumped up and said "before the movie starts, Sirius please come sit next to me, also Sirius is innocent do not try come after him I will beat the shit out of you and Sirius I'm sorry in advance" Sirius looked at her confused but came to sit next to her anyway, then the Screen turned on.


Introducing......drum roll please.........

Theodore Nott played by Lorenzo Zurzolo

Theodore Nott played by Lorenzo Zurzolo

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Blaise Zabini played by Louis Cordice

Blaise Zabini played by Louis Cordice

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