A young witch in maid's robes pushes a cart down the hall. Athena exits her room as the witch knocks on a door.Young Witch: Housekeeping.
As she opens the door, she's greeted by a thunderous roar and a rush of wind.
Young Witch: (unperturbed) I'll come back later.
The pranksters laugh, while the other students giggle.
Something small and fast dashes by Athena's feet. Looking, she spies a rather ragged-looking RAT (SCABBERS), pursued by a decidedly ugly orange cat (CROOKSHANKS).
As Athena moves down the stairs, VOICES come from below.
Ron(O.S.): I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy.
Hermione (O.S.): He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature.As Athena reaches bottom, she finds RON WEASLEY protectively cradling Scabbers, while HERMIONE GRANDER does her best to restrain a HISSING Crookshanks.
Ron: A cat! Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me.
Hermione: That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush (cooing to the cat) It's all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boy...[Then, sensing another presence in the room, they both turn]
Hermione/Ron: Athena!Everyone laughs at the two and their ridiculous argument, the said two sit there embarrassed.
In the accompanying PHOTO, the entire WEASLEY FAMILY stands before the GREAT PYRAMIDS, waving. Smack in the middle is Ron, Scabbers perched on his shoulder. As Ron smoothes the dog-eared clipping onto the table, Athena studies it. Hermione ignores it, stroking Crookshanks.Athena: Egypt! What's it like?
Ron: Brilliant. It's got loads of old stuff. Mummies. Death masks. Tombs --
Hermione: You know, the ancient Egyptians of the Nile River delta worshipped the cat goddess Bast.Ron glares stonily at Hermione, then turns back to Athena.
Ron: I also got a new wand.
Just then, a COMMOTION is HEARD. The Weasleys -- Percy, Fred, George, Ginny, Arthur, and Molly -- arrive en masse, laden with purchases from Diagon Alley, followed by Neville and his grandmother. Neville smiles and waves at Athena who gladly returns it.
George: Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron?
Ron: I haven't shown anyone!
Fred: No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid. The cook. The bloke that came to fix the toilet. That wizard from Belgium... [Athena laughs at them, Fred smiles and winks at the girl, he walks over to her]The great hall laugh at the twins and Ron.
Athena: You should stop messing with Ron, he's just excited
Fred: Ouch love, not even a hello [he raises his eyebrow teasingly]
Athena: [rolling her eyes, mockingly] Hello Mr Fredrick Weasley, how was your summer?
Fred: It was pleasant Miss Athena Potter, would've been better if you were there
Athena: I'll keep that in mind [she smiles up at him whilst he smiles down at her, they get caught staring into each other's eyes, slowly their faces start getting closer]All the girls and women in the hall start squealing whilst Athena's family glare at the screen.
Mrs. Weasley runs over to Athena, not noticing that she ruined their moment, Fred moved out of his mothers way. Walking back to his siblings with a scowl on his face. Molly takes Athena's face into her hands and smiles.
"Nooooo" "Molly!" "Whyyyy would you ruin the moment" Molly cursed her future self for ruining the moment between the two.
Mrs Weasley: It's good to see you, Athena.
Athena: Good to see you too, Mrs. Weasley.
Arthur Weasley: Athena. I wonder if I might have a word.
Athena: Of course, Mr. Weasley.As Mr. Weasley pulls Athena away, the others continue to hover over the clipping in the b.g.
Fred: George's nose looks positively massive in that photograph.
Ginny: That's your nose, Fred.
Fred: Bloody hell. 'Tis, isn't it? Take after your side of the family, don't I, Mum?Everyone laughs at Fred whilst Athena kisses his cheek "I think your nose is perfectly fine my love" Fred gives Athena a lop sided smile. The Prewett twins turn and look at eachother then glare at their nephew "our noses are perfectly normal" Fred just snorts and turns away from them.
Athena notices Mr. Weasley glance edgily at a FUGITIVE POSTER tacked to the wall. In it, SIRIUS BLACK glowers under the words, "Have You Seen This Man?"
Sirius throws some popcorn at the screen then yells "look at my hair! Is everyone seeing that? I look as horrid as dear old mummy over there" pointing to Walburga who scowls, a red hand print on her cheek. All the Blacks and Potters laugh at Sirius' comment.
Arthur Weasley: Athena. There are some within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to tell you. But I think you need to know the facts. Because you're in danger. Grave danger.
"When is she not" Sighed Lily putting her head in her hands.
Athena's eyes drift to the fugitive poster.
Athena: Has this anything to do with him, sir?
Arthur Weasley: What do you know of Sirius Black, Athena?
Athena: That he escaped from Azkaban. That he killed someone...
Arthur Weasley: Athena, thirteen years ago, when you stopped...Mr. Weasley hesitates, unable to continue.
Athena: Voldemort....?
Arthur Weasley: [nodding nervously] Black lost everything. But he remains a loyal servant to this day. In his mind, only you stand in the way of...Once again, Mr. Weasley hesitates.
Athena: Voldemort....?
Arthur Weasley: Athena, I hate it when you say ––
Athena: I know, sorry. Ron hates it too.
Arthur Weasley: In Black's mind, only you stand in the way of... You-Know-Who returning to power. That's why he's broken. That's why he's broken out of Azkaban. To find you. And...Mr. Weasley hesitates yet again.
Athena: Kill me?
Mr. Weasley nods. Nervously.
Arthur Weasley: Athena. I want you to swear that -- whatever you might hear -- you won't go looking for Black.
Athena: With all due respect Mr. Weasley, why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?"Because it's you" the great hall deadpanned
Mr. Weasley nods, then claps Athena on the shoulder. He leaves Athena and Neville comes running up hugging her.
Neville: Hey Athena how have you been?
Athena: Hello dear brother of mine, I'm good I have so much to tell you. How have you been?
Neville: [excited] I've been great! Grandmother got me a new plant book! I can't wait to read it, it's all about rare dangerous plants
Athena: You better tell me all about them! I don't want to run into a plant not knowing it dangerous
Neville: Of course I'll tell you who else is going to make sure you don't hurt yourself [rolling his eyes] now come, I want to introduce you to my Grandmother.Everyone smiles at the relationship between Athena and Neville.
Neville takes ahold of Athena's hand and drags her other to where Mrs Longbottom is sat.
Hello loves!
How was this chapter?
I wanted to include Neville a lot more in this, he's going to be shown a lot in this movie same with Fred!
Have a great day/night
Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication otherwise Crookshanks will bite you🤍
I love you!⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

Athena Potter 🎞
FanfictionIn which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies. What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...