Chapter 5: Flourish and Botts

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Hagrid swats at Athena's sooty clothes making her knees buckle a bit.

Hagrid: Yer a mess! Skulkin' 'round KNOCKTURN Aleey. Dodgy place Athena. Don't want no one ter see yeh down there. Peoples'll be thinkin 'yer up to no good.

Many nodded in agreement with what Hagrid said.

Athena: I didn't mean too, I used floo powder and before I spoke soot flew in my mouth [she pouted] I got lost, I –– Hang on. What were you doing down there.

They all look at Hagrid suspiciously.

Hagrid: I was lookin' fer a Flesh Eatin'Slug repellent. They're ruinin' the school cabbages.

Hermione(O.S): Athena!

Athena looks up and sees Hermione standing at the top of Gringotts' white steps. She runs down to them, Athena runs up to Hermione and hugs her tightly, both smiling in content.

Lily and her friends all smile at each other, Athena and Hermiones friendship reminds them of theirs. "Awww" "That reminds me of me and you" "they are like sisters" was all that was heard in the great hall. Hermione and Athena smile at each other, they truly were sisters.

Hermione pulls out of the hug and looked at the big man and greeted him.

Hermione: Hello Hagrid, it's wonderful to see you again [Athena dramatically gasps]
Athena: what about me? Have you not missed me? Oh I feel faint [she places the back of her hand on her forehead]

"Hmm I wonder who that reminds me of" Mia said pretending to think, she then looks over at James. James looks beside him and says "yeah reminds me of Sirius too mum" Mia just slaps the back of James' head chuckling. Everyone laughs at James but also nodded at Mia all thinking the same 'Athena acts a lot like James'.

Hermione rolls her eyes as Hagrid watches the two in amusement and in sadness.

Hagrid: [whispering] just like James

Athena and James smile at each other.

Hermione: I did miss you Athena, I also wrote you letters but you didn't reply to any of them
Athena: [groaning] I'll tell you later [Hermione nods, then she notices Athena's glasses, she takes her wand out and points it at them]
Hermione: Oculus Reparo [instantly Athena's glasses are fixed]
Athena: I need to remember that one
Hermione: C'mon. Everyone's been so worried

Hermione leads her to Gringotts, leaving Hagrid behind Athena waved goodbye to Hagrid. Hermione's rather nervous looking muggle parents stand with the Weasleys.

Many pureblooded Slytherins turn their noses up and give Hermione's parents disgusted looks.

Mr. Weasley: so you're dentists! Fascinating! I understand other muggles quite fear you? Why is that?

The muggleborns laugh at on-screen Arthur meanwhile the pureblooded Slytherins still have disgusted looks on their faces. "Filthy mudbloods" Walburga eyed the screen in disgust. Orion and Regulus shook their heads at her already giving up with the woman.

"Your addiction with muggles" Molly laughed.

Mrs. Weasley: Oh Athena, thank goodness. We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. Come now. We are off to Flourish and Blotts.
Hermione: Isn't is thrilling! Gilderoy Lockhart's going to be there!

Said boy sat up straighter puffing his chest out and winking at all his fan girls. Those who disliked the boy rolled their eyes. "I think I'm loosing my hearing, did she say Lockhart? "Him seriously" "he's stupider then a brick wall" "oh god noooo please not him" whined Regulus, rubbing his hands down his face.

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