Chapter 6: The Half-blood Prince

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A teeming mass of students fight their way to class in the first day of term. Amidst it all, McGonagall stands tall and stern. The twins pass by, bearing identical looks of consternation.

Professor McGonagall: History of Magic is up, ladies, not down. Mr. Davies –– that's the girls toilet...

McGonagalls eyes shift, finding Athena, Ron, Blaise and Theo sitting upon a ledge, clearly deriving immense pleasure from the chaos.

Professor McGonagall: Potter!

"Uh oh." Say the Marauders.

Athena smile droops. McGonagall beckons with a finger.

Athena: This can't be good
Theo: I'll get the coffin ready
Blaise: I'll sort the music
Ron: I'll bring snacks

"Not all of you planning her funeral." Laughed Marlene.

Ron grins as Athena makes her way "upstream" to McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall: Enjoying ourself, are we?
Athena: Well, you see, I've got an open period this morning, Professor ––
Professor McGonagall: So I noticed. I would think you'd want to fill it with potions. Or is it no longer you ambition to become an Auror?
Athena: It is. Or was. But I was told I had to get an Outstanding in my O.W.L. ––
Professor McGonagall: And so you did when Professor Snape was teaching potions. However, Professor Slughorn is perfectly happy to accept N.E.W.T. students with 'Exceeds Expectations'
Athena: Really? Well....that's good then. I'll head there straight away
Professor McGonagall: Good. And take Weasley, Nott and Zabini with you. They look far too happy over there

A few people chuckle.


Ron and the others trail Athena toward an open door.

Ron: But I don't want to take Potions!
Theo: I'm with Ron on this one


As Athena drags Ron inside, Blaise doing the same to Theo, the other students turn in unison. Hermione frowns. Lavender, seeing Ron, beams.

"Someone's got a crush." Sang Barty, Hermiones glares and Barty shuts up. "Someone's jealous." Barty mutters.

Slughorn: Athena m'girl! I was beginning to worry! And I see we've brought some people with us...
Ron: Ron Weasley, sir. That's Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. But me and Theo are dead awful at potions, menaces actually, so we'll probably should just go ––
Slughorn: Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friends of Athena's is friends of mine. Right then, books out ––
Athena: Um, sorry, sir, but I haven't got my book yet –– nor does Ron. You see ––
Slughorn: Not to worry. You can get what you need from the cupboard

As Athena and Ron step to the cupboard, Slughorn resumes, gesturing to the cauldrons bubbling before him.

Slughorn: Now, as I was saying, I've prepared a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be? Yes, Miss...?
Hermione: Granger, sir. That one there is Veritaserum. And that would be Polyjuice potion. And that...

In the cupboard, Athena and Ron find two textbooks –– one new, one shabby and soiled. Both snatch for the new one, when a box –– marked "BEZOARS" —– tips. As Athena makes a grab for it, Rob wrests free the new textbook and goes off grinning.

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