Hermione: Right enough! I thought we should do it ourselves!
Ron: What? Kill her?
Athena: Seriously! Hermione. We just gave you plenty of ideas!
Hermione: NO! Defence Against the Dark Arts. We'd teach ourselves
Athena: I don't know...I like mine and Ron's ideas better"They are good ideas" Mia wiped a few tears from her eyes. "It's James and Sirius 2.0" Regulus laughed.
There is a tapping sound coming from the window. They turn and look.
Ron: Hermes?
He goes to the window and opens it. Hermes deposits a letter in Ron's hands, turns and vanishes out of the window again. The last Gryffindor heads for bed, leaving the common room deserted except for the three of them. Ron opens it and returns to his seat.
Ron: It's from Percy!
Athena: What! Read it
Ron: "Dear Ron, congratulations on becoming a Prefect. For some time I was worried you would take the 'Fred and George' route instead of following in my footsteps. You can imagine my relief that this is no the case".Ron looks incredulously at Athena and Hermione.
Hermione: Keep reading
Ron: "Given your attachment to using me as a role model, I will give you a bit of advice from one respecter of authority to another [Pause] It is likely that you have been seeing quite a lot of Athena Potter of late. I must recommend you break ties with that girl as soon as possible. She may be Dumbledore's favourite, but Dumbledore may not be in charge at Hogwarts much longer. Your loyalties should lie with the Ministry of Magic, not Dumbledore and Potter's personality cult [Pause] Please do not fear breaking ties with Potter. If trouble arises, go to Dolores Umbridge, a truly delightful woman [Pause] I hope you will carefully consider my advice to you, Ron. Don't let the dangerous errors of Dumbledore, Potter, and unfortunately our parents lure you into destroys perfectly good career. Percy"Everyone looks at Molly and Arthur. The two look appalled. Molly looks at the Potters and Lily "I am so sorry, I don't–I don't understand why he's acting like that" James smiles softly at the woman. "It's okay Molly, it's not your fault and it's not you who should apologise".
Ron looks up, aghast.
Athena: Well, if you want to, ah "break ties" with me, I swear I won't get violent however, my "cult" might not be happy
Ron: [Dramatically] I would never leave your cult Athena. NEVER!Ron and Athena laugh whilst Hermione smiles. Ron then tears the letter in half.
Ron: He is the worlds biggest git!
He hurls the pieces into the fireplace.
Sirius: Watch it!
James screams and jumps into Lily's lap. "There, there. I'll protect you" Lily patted James' head. James smiled lovingly at Lily, then the girl dropped him, causing James to fall and lay flat on the floor.
Ron jumps, startled.
Athena: Sirius?
Sirius: Right you are. Got your letter and thought we should talk in person"Not exactly in person" Orion joked making Sirius stick his tongue out.
Athena: [Tilting her head slightly and smirks] Not exactly in person though, is it?
He cranes his neck at the burning letter.
Sirius: What was that?
Athena: A letter from Percy
Ron: Yeah, full of the usual rubbish
Hermione: Except he did mention that Dumbledore might not be in charge here much longer
Sirius: It doesn't surprise me. Fudge wants Dumbledore out
Athena: Why?
Sirius: He's worries Dumbledore is trying to turn the students against the Ministry
Hermione: Well, that would explain why Umbridge isn't teaching us anything useful in Defence Against the Dark Arts
Sirius: Exactly. The Ministry doesn't want you trained in combat
Athena: What does he think Dumbledore is going to do, raise an army?
Sirius: That's exactly what he's worried about. Fudge is getting more paranoid about Dumbledore every day

Athena Potter 🎞
FanfictionIn which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies. What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...