Chapter 24: Mischief Managed

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The Whomping Willow sways in a light breeze. The Black Lake shimmers, clouds drifting in its glassy mirror.

Athena walks softly toward an OPEN DOOR -- Lupin's office -- and peers in. Lupin stands over a battered suitcase, filling it with the last of his books. Without turning, he SPEAKS.

Professor Lupin: Hello, Athena.

Athena JUMPS. Lupin turns, smiles through haggard eyes.

Professor Lupin: Saw you coming.

The Marauder's Map lies open on an otherwise bare desk. Athena nods, looks back to Lupin. Unable to disguise her shock at Lupin's appearance.

Professor Lupin: I've looked worse, believe me.

Athena eyes the open desk drawers... the bare bookshelves...

Athena: You've been sacked.
Professor Lupin: Resigned, actually.

"What no!" "Why?"

Athena: Resigned! But why!
Professor Lupin: It seems that someone has let slip the nature of my condition.
Athena: Snape. That slimy greasy git!

Everyone glares at Snape.

Professor Lupin: Whoever. It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a -- someone like me -- teaching their children.

"I don't care, I would love my children to have you as a professor" said a 6th year Slytherin, many nodded in agreement.

Athena: But Dumbledore --
Professor Lupin: Has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me, well... let's just say I'm used to this by now.
Athena: [Dramatically wails] Who am I supposed to have cups of tea with now?! And who can I rant too?

Everyone laughs at the girl.

Lupin smiles in amusement at the girl.

Athena: I'm glad my suffering makes you happy.
Professor Lupin: It does [He smirks]

Athena gasps and throws herself on the floor. Lupin laughs and lightly kicks her side, Athena rolls over and sticks her tongue out at him. He offers her a hand and helps her up.

Professor Lupin: But before I go, tell me about your Patronus.
Athena: Well. At first I thought it was a horse, or perhaps a unicorn, but I think it was --
Professor Lupin: A doe
Athena: Yes
Professor Lupin: Your father used to transform into a stag [Athena is shown thinking slightly] Which is the male equivalent to a doe. That's how he was able to keep me company when I became... sick. He was a great friend James. Your mother however, her patronus was a doe [Athena smiles]

Athena and Lily smile at each other.

Lupin smiles wanly, lifts his sorry suitcase. Then stops.

Professor Lupin: There are stories about him and your mother, you know. Some are even true. But I think it's safe to say, in the end, you'll know them best by getting to know yourself.

Lupin then -- with a wicked twinkle -- raises his wand.

Professor Lupin: Mischief managed.

Athena watches the Map go blank. Looks back. Lupin is gone.

Ron stands amid a circle of excited Gryffindors.

Ron: Stand back, I said! I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle!

As Athena arrives, she glances at Hermione, who CLEARS HER THROAT LOUDLY. The others turn, begin all speaking at once.

Neville: Athena! Wherever did you get it!
Seamus: Can I have a go, Athena? you, of course --
Ron: Quiet! [as they oblige] After Thank you. Let the woman through. Oh by the way Athena this is Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini [He points to two slytherin boys sat at the table]
Athena: [Shaking their hands, smiling] It's lovely to meet you!
Theo: Likewise but please call me Theo
Blaise: You can call me handsome, sexy, the most amazing person ever! [everyone laughs whilst Theo hits the back of his head]

The great hall laugh at Blaise.

Mystified, Athena steps forward, the boys peeling away, clearing her view of the BROOMSTICK in Ron's hands. The LABEL GLEAMS: "FIREBOLT."

Athena: Whose is that?
Ron: [as everyone laughs] Whose is it? It's yours, mate.
Athena: Who? But... how?

Hermione: It's a mystery. Though... this fell out of the wrapping.

"Thank you Siri" James pounced on Sirius, hugging the boy.

Athena turns, sees Hermione holding up a FEATHER. Hermione raises her eyebrow. As they share a secret glance, we... BOOM! The huge vertical DOORS BURST OPEN and Athena, trailed by the others, exits with the Firebolt. As she strides off, others join the assembly -- Hagrid, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle among them -- curious to see what the commotion is all about. As Athena stops, an expectant HUSH hangs over the moment.

All the quidditch players lean forward on their seats

Seamus: Go on, Athena.
Neville: Yeah. Let's see.

Athena mounts the broom. Licks her finger and jabs it in the air. A few others do the same. Hagrid does the same. Crabbe and Goyle start to do the same, when Malfoy SLAPS their hands down. Finally, Athena places her hand on the broom. Sets her grip. Takes a breath. And... Frowns.

Fred/George: What's wrong?
Athena: I don't think it works. I think it's defective

The quidditch players groan and pout like little children.

A collective GROAN. Dejected, many of the kids begin to drift toward the castle. Athena calls after.

Athena: Oh, come on now. It's just a broom.

Suddenly McGonagall comes storming out with dog ears, bunny tail and cat whiskers. Her face redder than a tomato. Athena shares a look with Fred.

Everyone laughs, Minnie glares at Athena and Fred who are suddenly very interested in the floor.

Athena: Get on! [Fred climbs on]

As everyone turns and looks at the two -- WHOOSH! -- Athena and Fred JETS OFF and we -- cut too: A tiny DOT, GROWING LARGER AND LARGER, races upward. It's Athena and Fred shooting straight into the blue on the Firebolt. SCREAMS GROWING LOUDER as they approach. A scream of release, of utter abandon. It's Athena and Fred screaming. But something else is clear as she JETS PAST and...It's a SCREAM of joy.


Everyone cheers!

Hello my loves!
How was the final chapter of Prisoner of Azkaban?
Can't believe this movie is over now.....onto Goblet of Fire!!!
Have a good day/night
Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication otherwise I will leave this book here and never update it again!🤍
I love you!

⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

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