Bonus chapter

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When the movie stopped everyone was cheering for the future generation. They all stood up and applauded them, including Walburga who had a sudden change of heart. Hermione had a few tears in her eyes as she watched them applaud. Fred, George, Blaise and Theo all bowed. Neville, Ginny and Ron had massive smiles on their faces. Draco had a small grin on his face. Athena just took in the sight, looking at her friend's happy faces.

Suddenly, a bright portal appeared and all the smiles on the future generation faces drop. They all share looks with one another before looking at their families. Molly and Arthur smiled proudly at their children and gave them a hug.

Draco walked over to his mother and brought her into an embrace, Lucius moved over and wrapped his arms around the two of them. Narcissa's eyes welling with small tears. Andromeda and Bellatrix walked over and said their goodbyes to their nephew.

Frank and Alice saw the look in Neville's watery eyes and brought him into a hug. Telling him how much they love him and how brave he was.

Athena stared at her parents, tears rolling down her cheeks, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Lily smiled at her daughter and placed a hand on her cheek, she says softly "you are so brave, so clever. I'm so proud of you." Athena couldn't help but lean into her mother's hand. James grabbed Athena's hands "we will change everything now, I promise. I love you Bambi," James smiled. "I love you dad. I love you mum," Athena sobbed, Lily and James pulled her into a tight embrace. Sirius and Remus soon joined the hug, followed by Marlene and Dorcas.

"We have to go now," Theo said sadly. Athena nodded and pulled away from her parents, who also had tears in their eyes. She took a step back, grabbed Fred's hand and walked towards the portal, the rest of the future generation following.

When they reached the portal, they turned around, staring at the past generation. The past generation wave goodbye. One by one the future generation walk into the portal. Blaise, then Theo, Draco and George, Fred and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, then Neville. Athena was the last one standing. She took in the sight of her family one last time.

"Good luck," Athena said before walking through the portal. The portal instantly disappeared as soon as she walked through it.


It was a year later, after the sudden appearance of the future generation. Dumbledore had been locked away due to his evil plans. Moody, Amelia and the Aurors all conducted a search for the Horcuxes, Bellatrix and the ex-death eaters pretended to be on Voldemorts side and fed information to them.

It took a few days of trying to search and destroy the Horcruxes but they managed to do it nonetheless. The Marauders generation was ecstatic when they learned that Voldemort had finally been killed once and for all.

To celebrate the death of Voldy, James decided to host a party at the Potters mansion. Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Barty, Regulus, Evan, Narcissa and Lucius were all invited. Mr and Mrs Potter also invited Orion and Walburga, the four of them had become very close after the movies. The marauders and Lily all had a massive debate on whether to invite Peter but they done it anyways.

Peter and the Marauders weren't as close as they used to be, they were still a little shocked that Peter had betrayed them but that was in the future. James had apologised to Peter for beating the living crap out of him but Peter just waved him off and said that 'he deserved it'.

The night was full of laughter and joy, everyone was having a great time. Marlene tried to get Mr Potter to do shots, Dorcas was taking pictures for memories. Molly and Arthur, who finally got a break from their current children, were relaxing and talking to Barty and Evans.

Sirius was trying to dance on a table but Remus was stopping his boyfriend from doing so. Regulus was rolling his eyes at his brother, the other ex-death eaters were having a food contest with Alice and Frank. Fabian and Gideon were trying to prank Walburga. Lily and James took in the sight of all their friends, fond smiles on their faces.


On the 31st of July 1980, Athena Lily Potter was born. Many of the males in the Marauders friend group were very protective of her and vowed to make sure no boy goes near her.

However, by the age of 4, her and Fred Weasley were constantly having play dates and wanting to see each other. James cried and cried, glaring at the young boy and tried to get Athena away from him. Whilst Lily, Alice, Bellatrix, Molly, Narcissa and Marlene all laughed at the sight.

Lily walked over to James, picking Athena up off the ground. "We did it," Lily smiled up at James. "Yes we did, Lily-Flower," James kissed Lily's head.


And that is it for Athena Potter! And yes I am crying typing this....

Helloooo, dear readers! I want to take this moment to thank you for taking the time to read my book. I am deeply touched and grateful for your support, and I hope that my words have resonated with you in some small way. This is a journey that I have embarked on with great enthusiasm and dedication, and to know that you have found something valuable in my words is truly a honor. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me, and I hope to continue to share my insights and stories with you in the future. Your continued support means the world to me, and I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.

Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication🤍

I love you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

And for one final time...

⚡️Mischief Managed!⚡️

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