Chapter 20: O.W.Ls

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The whole school is gathered in the Great Hall. Professor Minnie stands in front of the staff table.

Minnie: Today begins your O.W.L exams. A number of Ministry instructors are here to give them. Exams will take place for the next two weeks. Exams will be split in two parts, theory and practical application [pause] I must warn you that the most stringent anti-cheating spells have been added to your exam papers. No student has successfully cheated on an O.W.L in a century, though every year someone tries it [pause] Naturally, cheating will not be suffered and anyone caught will be expelled from Hogwarts

"Take a breath Minnie my darling" Athena smiles.


Athena, Ron, Theo and Blaise stand on top of the Astronomy tower, peering through telescopes into the night sky. Athena's telescope is propped on the parapet and she is leaving over it slightly. Below her, the doors to the Great Hall groan open. Golden light spills into the night, and six shadows move forward into the darkness.

The four of them watch.

Ron: Oi! That's Umbitch down there!
Blaise: Bet the old roads going to kill some children
Theo: Oh one-hundred percent

"Really, boys?" Lily raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "Sorry mum" Theo and Blaise said. Lily just rolled her eyes fondly.

Several other students begin to watch the proceedings taking place below. Athena looks panicked.

Athena: They're heading for Hagrids!

Ron and Athena exchange nervous glances.

Professor Tofty: Eyes back on the sky, please

The students ignore the Professor. The six shadows approach the hut, silhouetted against the windows of it. They open the door, and it closes.

Professor Tofty: Twenty minutes left on your exam, students

Shadows pace past the windows to Hagrids hut. Raised voices reach them. Then a sharp bang is heard, along with a flash of blinding light from within the cabin. The door bursts open and Hagrid stumbles out, clutching at his waist, followed by the other six.

The six shadows fire stun spells at Hagrid.

Shouting and swearing was heard throughout the hall. Even the Professors started shouting at the screen.

Athena: No!

Athena takes her wand out of her pocket, aiming it at the six shadows. Before she could even mutter a spell, Theo runs over and snatches the wand out of her hand.


The red-coloured spells simply impact with Hagrid and bounce off of him.

Hawlish: Be reasonable, Hagrid!

Hagrid yells incomprehensibly.

Fang leaps from the open door onto Hawlish, knocking the man over. Fang bounds over to Hagrid and leaps in front of him, taking a hex full in the chest and falls to the ground with a whine.

Hagrid roars in rage, seizes the one responsible and hurls him ten feet through the air. The man lands hard and does not move. Professor McGonagall storms through the doors of the Great Hall and out into the night, fury written across her face.

"Beat their fucking dumb asses Minnie!" Sirius shouted. "Oh I will Mr Black, do not worry" Minnie said sharply.


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