EXT. STADIUM - NEW ANGLE - NIGHTCamera floats high above, then plummets into stadium. Athena and the others climb to their seats. Flags of all nations ring the stadium and vendors apparate here and there amount the crowd, selling their wares.
"Woahhh" awed a Slytherin quidditch player.
Vendor: Get your Quidditch World Cup programs! Only five sickles!
Fancy gold writing races repeatedly across a giant blackboard: Gladrags Wizardwear –– London, Paris, Hogsmeade...
Arthur Weasley: [Excited] There's the Peruvian Minister for Tourism. And that man there's the African Head of Magical Games and Sports. And –– oh lord –– there's Ali Bashir. He's been trying to import flying carpets for years. I keep telling him they'll never replace brooms, but he sees a niche market for a family vehicle...
Everyone laughs at the excited Arthur on-screen. Molly looks at her husband fondly.
Ron: Blimey Dad. How far up are we?
Lucius Malfoy (O.S): Well, if it rains, you'll know first .It's LUCIUS MALFOY descending the stairs with DRACO. Arthur Weasley, tight as a drum, only glares.
"Ooohh shits about to go down" squeals Sirius.
Draco: Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.
Many roll their eyes at the boys obvious boasting.
Lucius Malfoy: Now, now. Draco. There's no need to boast. Blood has its - privileges. As I'm sure your schoolmates are well aware.
Many glare at Lucius.
Malfoy's eyes trail nastily over Hermione, land on Athena.
"Here we go" sighed Andromeda.
Lucius Malfoy: Ms. Potter.
Athena: Fuck off [the Weasleys and co all snicker]As he passes, Athena eyes the WALKING STICK in Malfoy's grip. A SILVER SERPENT encircles his finger, inlaid with EMERALD CHIPS for eyes. Athena and the others have settled into the upmost row, where the wind whips coldly. As a fleet of BROOMS jet INTO VIEW, a ROAR rises in the crowd.
All the quidditch players hush the hall, James was squealing like a girl.
Fred: It's the Irish! There's Troy!
The Irish supporters cheers.
George: And Mullet!
Fred: And here comes Moran-Before Fred can finish, a fleet of dark-clad riders soar over the opposite rim of the stadium. The CROWD ROARS again.
George: Here come the Bulgarians!
The quidditch players cheer.
Ginny: Who's that? [she points to one particularly young player (Victor Krum)]
George: That, sis, is the best Seeker in the world [Fred nudges George's shoulder] apart from our Athena of course!The hall laugh at Fred, who just smiles.
Hermione: He flies rather well, doesn't he? [Everyone shares amused glances]
The women in the great hall do the same, then turn to a bright red Hermione.
Fred: You could say that.
Fred lifts his Omnioculars. We cut to his pov, THROUGH the Omnioculars, as he dials Krum in then runs the image FORWARDS and BACKWARDS.
The muggleborns and some half bloods look in awe at the screen.
Ginny: What's his name?
On cue, THOUSANDS of FANS on the OPPOSITE side stadium flip LARGE CARDS bearing the FACE of a GOOD LOOKING BOY with THICK EYEBROWS. Each one is embellished with the name: 'Krum'.
Hermione: [confused] Krum?
Athena/Ron/Fred/George: [Dreamily] KrumFred turns and looks at the dreamy face on Athena, he furrows his brows and snaps his fingers in her face. She looks at him with a raised eyebrow. He wraps his arms around her.
Fred: You. Are. Mine. No one else's.
The women in the great hall all giggle, creeping out the men.
Athena just smiles up at him and nods.
Athena: I solemnly swear I will not look at Krum and give him my attention. I will only look and give my attention to my boyfriend [she gives Fred a look]
Fred: I solemnly swear I will not look at Krum and give him my attention. I will only look and give my attention to my girlfriend [Athena kisses Fred]The women all awe at the screen whilst Athena's male family figures all glare.
In the MINISTRY BOX, CORNELIUS FUDGE rises as Lucius and Draco take their seats nearby.
Fudge: Good evening! As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup! Let the match begin!
The quidditch players cheer, well James screams.
We cut to Athena and the others lying about. Unable to get to sleep due to their excitement.
Ron: Brilliant Krum, wasn't he? Did you see him put Lynch into the ground with the Wronski Feint? That was positively brutal
"Why don't you go" "Marry him Ron" say the Prewett twins, making many laugh.
Hermione: I think you're in love Ron
Everyone laughs again.
Fred: Victor I love you
George: Victor I do
Athena/Ginny/Fred/Ginny: When we're apart my heart beats only for youuuu!The great hall laugh even more.
Ron: There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind...
Just then, CHANTS OF VOICES, rise like a LIONS ROAR beyond the tent. Fred grins.
Fred: Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on!
Arthur: [Frantic] Stop! Stop it.Everyone freezes. "What's happening?" Narcissa questions Draco then the rest of the future gen. Athena shares a sad glance "you'll see".
Hello my loves!
How was this chapter?
I won't be uploading as much as I once was before because loads of stuff is currently going down in the household so I don't really have time to publish. I just want to say thank you for the support and the kind messages it really means a lot🥹
Have a great day/night
Make sure you stay hydrated and take your medication🤍
I love you!⚡️Mischief Managed⚡️

Athena Potter 🎞
FanfictionIn which the marauders generation watch Athena Potters life and see the dangers of which awaits them. Where friends becomes enemies and enemies become allies. What happens when they realise they've been lied too? Will they be able to prevent the dan...