8 - There was nothing to even dictate I was depressed.

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There was nothing to even dictate I was depressed. Then fucking bam, someone decides to look a bit too closely. I grab my phone and look at my reflection in the black, lifeless screen. A messy monster reflected. I get a spook at my reflection, and shoot myself up. I felt way too hot so I take my hoodie off and stare at the now mostly red slits, remembering how they were yellow a couple days ago.

I smile that they're getting a bit better and head down to the kitchen. I decide to grab a cereal and some milk. Making sure it isn't outdated, I grab two bowls. I put the cereal in the bowl and pour the milk into the empty bowl. It was luckily still liquid and I pour the milk in the bowl to the bowl with the cereal, as well as pouring a bit more milk into the bowl. As I go to put the bowl into the sink I grab a spoon out the cutlery drawer. I then return the other stuff and just eat the cereal in the kitchen. After finishing I drop everything cutlery wise into the sink, wipe whatever food that was on my mouth off with a paper towel and just wander around the house, fixing some ornaments and cushions every so often.

Before I was about to head upstairs, I hear a knock at my door. I instantly shoot my head around for something to cover my arms but there was nothing. Then the door handle was jimmied with, a key was put in the key thingy.


I hear an energetic, familiar voice yell from the other side of the door. "Hey Bad! It's Skeppy! I'm coming in."

Oh shit.

Oh shit.


What do I do?????

Before I could even think of what to do, the door opens with a horrified face on the other end. I could feel his stare, but it was too scary to return it.

I only say "Uh."

"Bad what the fuck." He replies not even a second later. We both just stood there, stunned.

"I'm sorry." I murmur loud enough for him to hear. I felt my eyes welling up with tears. I heard his breathing become more jagged, so I guessed he was about to start crying.

He ran to hug me, being cautious that he doesn't touch the slits on my wrist. A quivering head rested on my shoulder. I try to hug him back but I felt too weak. I was just productive a minute ago and now I'm a broken machine.

"Why?" He sobbed.

Maybe it was the fact he was affected made me realise how badly I messed up. I never really understood why A6d or Skeppy were scared for me and no matter how much they tried to tell me the worse of self harming I'd always continue.

I just kind of hoped A6d got help before I did. And maybe we'd all be fine.

(A/n there's your future spoilers)

"I.. don't know." I respond. I was practically lifeless, a numbed down version of myself.

My peanut brain couldn't process what was happening. Firstly I finally fixed up the house a little. All of the slits are slowly healing. And finally Skeppys here?

But he saw everything. The one thing I'd promised to not do.

How could you not see that he cared for you so much? Without his help you'd be dead.

"Bad...." Skeppy cried out. I started to feel his cold tears on my shoulder. Every single one gave me a goosebump.

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now