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I reached the most recent DM, A6d.

fuck you. fuck you and your relationship. you manipulated skeppy didnt u?? you have issues. consider me your fucking enemy. 

"Oh boy..." I mutter under my breath. I type back a simple response.

Hey uh idk what's happened w you but that's not my problem rn,

Skeppy and I aren't actually dating, it's just an April fools kind of thing. The past few days might of been a build up w stuff but we're not dating.

And I try to send the message but it didn't go through. It was pretty obvious I was blocked from A6d. A few conspiracies began to swirl in my head. Is he jealous? Did someone tell him something?

I sigh and try to let it go but for some reason it just came back. I look at the time and it was just turning early into the evening.

I should probably head back down and apologise for causing that awkwardness earlier. I know he loves me and I feel like I'm just dragging him on like a dick at this rate.

I put my PC on standby mode and head downstairs, Skeppy still sat where he sat an hour ago his head down on the counter and his arms covering his face.

"Skeppy?" I call out, I leaned over the counters and rested my arms on it. I didn't get a response so I just tapped my fingers near him to wake him up or to annoy him enough to move his head.

Slowly but surely Skeppy moved his head, his face was puffy and tears were bloodshot. Still wet tear streaks ran down his face. I'd never seen him as horribly down as this, so it was definitely something serious.

"Skeppy... What's wrong?" I go over and sit beside him. I offered my hand and words for moral support.

"This April fools thing... Is it-" Skeppy took a second to sniffle and breathe, "Is it a joke?"

"You know if I answer that it'd be awkward." I reply, tracing the lines on my hand with my thumb.

"Bad, is it a joke? It's tearing me apart." He says, he tried to smile but it came out weak and sad. His eyes pleaded for an answer, but I didn't know what to give.

"I don't know-"

"Tell me, Darryl. Just say yes or no." He cuts me off, his eyes became teary again.



"I don't know okay. I love you lots but is a good idea for both of us to start dating especially when we're both so low mentally?" I ask him, grabbing his hand.

He nods, his eyes started to become your average waterfall, "I guess that's understandable... But could we do like one of those friends with benefits thing y'know?"

"I'd love that... Maybe later we could put a label on it?" I say to him, smiling, hoping to try get his mood up.

He smiles back and he looks at me, I noticed a tear that was still rolling down his face so I rub it with my finger.

He giggles, "Friends with benefits it is, but we do have to speak boundaries though."

"No telling A6d." I say first which got a confused but also shocked look from the other.

"What!? Why not?" He asks, he began to bounce his leg anxious.

"He just hates me a lot right now." I say without trying to get in depth. I could tell Skeppy was disappointed with the short answer, but he continued.

"What about we tell nobody. It'd be hard to explain anyway." He suggests instead, "It's not their business, it's ours."

I nodded and move onto the next thing, "A hundred percent no sex."

The sudden comment made Skeppy burst out into laughter, "Of course not!"

I roll my eyes at his reaction and sigh, "If we do stream, could we maybe not like make it so obvious... Like I know people think we're dating all the time but it'd be nice to not lead them on accidentally."

"Was about to say that, we should probably say April fools on the tweet." Skeppy mentions, completely reminding me that we sent out that tweet.

"Oh my gosh- we actually sent that tweet out!??" I quickly grab my phone out my pocket and load up Twitter, Skeppys tweet loaded up first with 200k likes. "Oh no.."

"Whats wrong?" He asks peering over at my phone. By then I was already looking at the comments.

"Everybody believes it..." I put my phone down flat on the table and turn up the brightness.

"We're so fucked!!" Skeppy cheers in a singsong voice, "You're officially getting cancelled for the 3rd time!"

"And this is what? Your 100th time?" I argue back, giggling.

"What can I say? I'm the devil and you're the angel."

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now