17 - "Should we like fake kiss or hold hands?"

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"Should we like fake kiss or hold hands?" Skeppy asks me, evilly planning the April fools prank. He had a childish grin plastered on his face and his eyes spoke 'imp.' He had really short boxers on that revealed a couple of the slits on his legs, but I tried to ignore it.

"What do you mean by fake kissing?" I ask him suspiciously, raising an eye.

"Like kissing, but without the gay." Skeppy simply says with a slappable face.

"Wouldn't that be a bit too far?"

"Yeah, I guess. Holding hands it is?" He asks, holding his hand out across the table.

I take his hand, "Oh, you know what you could caption the photo? Pride month isn't over yet."

"Hell yeah, you're going to be A queerbaiter!!"

"Skeppy I'm pansexual, we are completely fine if this backfires." I mention.

"Oh cool we both like men and women." He says, winking at me awkwardly. I laugh at his attempt and grab my phone with my other hand. I load up twitter and log into Skeppy's account guessing the password first try.


I go onto making a tweet and take a picture of our hands intertwined. I type in the caption: "Pride month still isn't over yet 🌈" and hit tweet. Within seconds notifications were rushing in. I put my phone down on the table.

"We're so fucked." Skeppy giggles, "My parents follow my account..."

"You didn't think to say that before?" I stare at him with a blank face.

"My dad's a bit of a homophobe..."


"You still wanna fake kiss?"

"I feel like angrily kissing you right now."

"That's a bit gay. But go ahead, Sir~."

"Wait what-?"

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now