15 - We held hands on the way back.

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We held hands again on the way back.

It was gay.

But the walk felt empty. I just kept on overthinking what Skeppy had said. Well. Not said. but.. The silence he gave. It was like he still has a secret about something. Adding onto that: he's just mumbling wild stuff to himself.

"You okay Skep?" I ask him, truly concerned. I go back to thinking about how he reacted earlier to me touching his thighs on accident.

There's no way he doesn't hurt himself too.

I get no response, so I pull the major card out, "Do you still hurt yourself, Zak?"

He pauses in a trance. His face, body, and thought train paused. Tears began to wallow up in his eyes. He sadly nodded and went to hug me. I return the hug and he just stood there for a few minutes, in the middle of a busy street hugging each other.

He sniffles out, "public... people."

"Oh, yeah uh. Home." I turn back around to the way were going, and put my arm around his shoulder assuming he was fine with it.

We eventually get home and go inside as soon as possible so we could shut the outside world from our problems. We go to the main room and sit down on the couch beside each other.

It was silent at first, but then I ask him, "Where?"

It took him a few seconds to understand the question, but he quietly replies, "My thighs." He swoops over to me and starts to hug me again.

"I'm guessing that's a no touching spot then?" I question, hoping it didn't seem careless nor off topic.

"Just like your wrists." He replies as he climbs onto my lap so we could hug better.

" He replies as he climbs onto my lap so we could hug better

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(A/n:Here's a visual btw.. IGNORE THE CAKE LOL)

His arms were wrapped around my neck like a sloth. His legs were at the side of mine but splattered out. It was comfortable but it could be taken so out of context.

"Skeppy-?" I begin to go a bright red. Seeing him on top of me just made me realise how comfortable we were with each other.

"Mhm?" He replies like he thought he was going to get asked to go off of my lap. Truly, I didn't mind. Just as long as everything stays soft.

"Why did you hurt yourself?" I put my arms  around his waist, being careful it didn't touch his butt. Because that would be awkward.

Good save.

He sighs, "It got bad. Same reason for you,  except it wasn't with double the insecurities." He giggles towards the end and braces himself for a lecture.

"I did not have that much insecurities, thank you very much!" I retort and huff.

"You're saying I had a lot of insecurities? Wow Bad. Wow." He chuckles, we both knew it was just jokes.

"I didn't mean it like that- You little gremlin. Can't believe I love you." I say without thought. Skeppy's reaction was the exact same as my thoughts five seconds later.

"I-In a best friend way, of course!" I smile, trying to brush off the awkwardness. But it's like Skeppy could see through me.

"Mhm..." Skeppy tucks his head into my shoulder. I felt warm tears drop onto my shoulder, and that's when I realised.

He loves me..
He really loves me.

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now