12 - I so wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't, I'd seem weak.

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I so wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't, I'd seem weak. I need to wait for him to say something and then I'll make an action or some thing.

Why would he care if I seemed weak? He's already seen the cuts you idiot.

I suppose I could go speak to him first, it's not like he'll speak to me first anyway. I pull my sleeves down further than they already are and exit out my room and head to his. I open the door without thinking.

There he sat, staring off into space zoned out. He looked like a precious statue, great positioning and very still. He kind of looks like a model too. Good style and good looking.

Good looking? Yikes.

I sigh at what I just previously thought and tried to wake Skeppy up by quietly saying, "Skeppy?"

I got no response, Skeppy still continued to stare into space. He was probably thinking about everything. He held a distraught and lost expression. As he still continued to be zoned out, I tap him lightly on the lap, again saying "Skeppy?"

Within a second Skeppy jolts out of his chair and immediately started to defend his thighs like they were his life. He ended up being in a curled up position, shaking in pain until he realised that I was there. He slightly calmed down but he was still quivering.

"Oh my - Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't realise you were so sensitive around there. Are you okay?" The guilt overtook the previous anger I held, which led me to apologising before he did. I stood mostly still, I didn't know how to not seem threatening through body language.

Skeppy started to notice how guilty I looked and reassured me. "Bad it's OK! I should of probably told you but don't worry." Before I could say anything, he continues onto a new sentence. "Plus I should be apologising. That wasn't right for me to say. Both Vince and I were worried, but I've told him I'll stop speaking about you without your permission. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." I reply, immediately forgiving him for everything.

I wouldn't even forgive Dream or maybe even Puffy for this... Why am I forgiving Skeppy?

I guess he's just special.

"Can I hug you?" He asks, standing up and gesturing his arms wide and open. I slowly walk towards him and return the hug, smiling.

"You don't need to ask."


Why would he be special, he's just your average famous best friend. I know I'm an easily forgiving guy but he knows a lot now, I shouldn't probably let him off as much..

But I have to, or he'll say. He's not the kind of guy to do that though. Sure he has a nasty reputation for making some very ... wrong? Jokes. But he's not going to quite literally out someone. He wouldn't make fun of something personal. He just gets angry and a little overprotective I guess?

Only over me though, he only gets overprotective over me. I guess I'm special too.

I rest my head on his chest close to his right shoulder as he lays his head on my shoulder. We kind of just stood there until it got a little awkward just standing there. "You tired?" I ask him as he gets a little jump from feeling the warm air from my mouth hit his neck.

"50/50, if you left me to sleep I could, but I don't feel too tired." He replies, "How come?"

"Just wanted to see if you would like to have a tiny look around here? There's a really nice Cafe (ofc there is..) that sells these amazing milkshakes!" I offer him, fully understanding if he didn't want to go there. After all he just kind of came here after an exhausting drive. 

He nodded then said, "Sure!" He dropped his hands off my back at the same time as I dropped mine. Our hands brushed for a brief second until I took a step back. We fell into an awkward silence for half a minute until I spoke up, "We should probably go now or it'll be too late."

"Hold on." I quickly leave the room to go to mine and immediately pull up the hoodie sleeves to see a massacre lying on my arm. I sigh and go find a different hoodie that didn't quite literally expose myself and end up picking a cyan blue hoodie. I check my sweatpants but there wasn't really anything bad on them. I swipe my phone off of my desk and stuff it into my pocket and zip it up. Rechecking that everything was fine, I cleared myself to go outside and zoom back to the other room. It seemed like he was getting ready to.

"You almost ready?" I say as I look him up and down. He looked nice, even though his outfit was almost the same as I's but it was a dark red hoodie instead of a cyan.

"Mhm!" He turns around to look at me and laughs, "I'm almost ready, Skeppy."


"The hoodies." He points it out very clearly.

"Oh..-I mean I get it. Haha. Skeppy."

"You don't."

"Why did you call me Skeppy?"

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now