22 - I'm sorry Bad.

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I'm sorry Bad.

I received that text whilst streaming with Skeppy, everything just seemed to stop for a second. For a few minutes I didn't know where I was going when I initially left my desk, I didn't even notice Skeppy was running beside me.

"Bad?? What's happened!?" His voice traced with panic and confusion.

I stop walking and look up at Skeppy, fighting all tears in my eyes. "A6d. He's about to kill himself." When I finally said those words I almost broke down.

Skeppy returns a look of shock, his eyes wider than ever and even his mouth was agape. "No way..." He brought his hands up to his eyes to rub off any tears.

"I know where he is. I've been there." I continue to rush walk, soon running, God knows how long there is left to save him if he even is still alive...

I didn't know what to think, what to do, what to say, what I was going to say when I confronted him, what I was going to do when I saw him. What were you supposed to say to your friend that is about to kill himself?

We soon approached the abandoned building and without hesitation I burst through the doors and flied up the flat of stairs until the top floor.

But the sight I saw couldn't replace any other.

The roof was empty, with just a coffee cup and a phone. Vincent was gone. Forever. Skeppy had stopped following me a while ago to look at nearby places just in case my hunch was wrong.

I was just left alone to mourn. I grab Vincent's old phone and text Skeppy immediately. My tears spammed the keyboard but eventually I was able to come up with.

he jumpd off qlready

He's gone. He's really gone. My face began to burn from the tears. My breathing became jagged and I was having a melt down by the time Skeppy got up here, also crying. I could barely get up so he had to come over here.

"He's gone." I make out in between each sob, I look up at Skeppy with teary eyes but he doesn't look back, he just stares off into the horizon. We both looked like messes, our faces were redder than cherries and were soaking from all the tears.

The only thing that echoed in my mind was the fact Vincent was gone, not just A6d, VINCENT was gone. And he was gone forever. There's no way of getting him back. Skeppy eventually sat down beside me and began to hug me. I couldn't even move my arms to hug back so we both just sat there, crying into each others shoulders.

There came screaming from the bottom of the street, as there was people below just seeing the dead body.

"Skeppy..." My voiced croaked in pain.

I could tell he wanted to reply but he couldn't. His mouth opened and shut to say something but only ever a squeak or a unnatural sound comes out. He was crying just as hard as I was.

"Bad." He replies, finally looking at me. His mouth was jagged--it trembled as he released more scared, depressed sobs.

I didn't know what to say so I just held him tighter, until you could hear sirens emerging from the hospitals. As well as sirens from police cars coming from the opposite side of the city.

Though Vincent literally being dead should of hit me, the sirens made me realise what actually happened and I sobbed harder. He's gone forever and it's your fault.

My eyes poured down tears, my throat eventually got dry and sore and I couldn't cry at all anymore.

I look back up at Skeppy, who was just in a mess just as much as I was, he gave in with crying ten minutes ago. His face was puffy, and he just store off down below us. The police cars were parked right beside Vincent's body, and we saw officers start heading upstairs to probably see what we were doing.

Eventually we were confronted by the officers. They saw us in our desperate state and just decided to hold back from asking questions.

"He's gone Zak..." I look away from him and at the horizon. I didn't even feel the tears that rolled down my face anymore. I didn't know what to think.

He's gone forever.

He's not coming back.

It's my fault isn't it?

Because I started prioritising myself, and I only wanted one of my two best friends knowing that I was in a mess.

I was favouriting.

It is my fault.

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now