28 - we sat in silence

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We sat in silence.

For a while.

Darryl dared not to speak. I think he couldn't. Maybe he just didn't want to? I tried to make the situation so It is taken lightly, but obviously that didn't work.

new writer came in the block

"i love you." i remind him again. i think he needs that love. he's struggling so much. he's so fucking brave.

after twenty seconds of silence, darryl lowly mumbles, "i love you too."

i look around bad's room for a clock, which quickly told us sapnap would be here in less than five minutes. i stand up from the bed, offering my hand to him. "we need to clean ourselves up."

bad chuckles as he takes my hand trying to act all dainty, "thank you sir." he does in that paining posh voice. "but yeah. we do. we look horrible."

i shake my head, "let's just focus on the positives."

not letting go of my hand, bad and i head to the bathroom and nitpick at tiny things with each other and ourselves. after a little bit of tampering with clothes and our faces, we looked somewhat normal. normal enough to pass as grieving. after us finishing, a bell rings.


i check my thighs and then his sleeves, "it's a bit obvious on you."

"it's ok, i can just say you're protective." bad giggles as he replies, holding my hand when we walked side to side until we dropped hands at the door.

"good luck." i murmur, opening the door and came darting in a frantic, yet joyful, sapnap.

"HELLOOOO!" he embraced in a hug we awkwardly accepted.

the hug quickly ended. i reply calmly, "hey sap."

excited and full of pure joy, sapnap bounced on his toes and blabbered on about how excited he was to meet us. five longing minutes past as bad and i listened to him.

mid conversation, sapnap cuts himself off, "and how are you two? it's been tough."

i nod lightly, but straighten myself up when i realise he probably was aiming that at bad. bad waits for my response until after a few seconds speaks instead, "okay. i guess."

by now it's obvious the chunky bandages laid under his sleeves were spotted. sapnap nears him, trying to secretly peak at them but bad almost telepathically tells him no. however no matter how many times he's told, sapnap continued to peer.

"sap. stop." butting into the conversation, i barely make out those words bravely enough.

a glare that always seemed to haunt you was directed in my direction from sapnap. his eyes laid on me as he inspected me up and down suspiciously. almost catching something in the corner of his eye but dismissing it.

sapnap nods in the end, and apologises to bad. forgiven but not forgotten, bad resides in staying close to me for the rest of the time sapnap is here.


and uhm. thats where it ends.
i have NO motivation whatsoever to complete this.
the plan was really just meant to be

- sapnap babys them so much he gets kicked out
- skeppy and bad realise that 'hey! we cant fix ourselves if we dont try'
- long recovery journey
- and then it'd be like idfk
- the ending would probably be like their vows. i guess ill write that.
- "when we were struggling, you were all i needed to be my better self."

- boom!! ends!!

jokes beside, i hope you enjoyed this.
i will be sharing every comment to vry and kay <3

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