20 - the title cant fit

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"Hey I know this would be breaking one of the things we just agreed not to do but maybe we should just not deny that were dating but like... I don't know just act like a couple on stream?" I ask as my leg bounced and as I fidgeted with my fingers. I didn't really know how to react, especially with how popular the tweet had gone.

"Yeah maybe. This is bad." He responds as he scrolled down the comments for us both, in the few hundred we saw, there were only one or two comments that said april fools.

"Ughh... Everything has been so chaotic recently, the whole self harming thing, A6d hating me for no reason, this love thing were in, and now people think we're dating-"


Skeppy's phone vibrated, he picked it up and saw a message from a certain person I had just warned Skeppy about. He flashes his phone for a second to show it was A6d, and opened up the notification.

Bad is brainwashing you! He is taking advantage of your crush on him so he can ruin your life more! You already have too much going on right now just make sure...

Skeppy swiped the phone away before I could read the rest of the message. I assumed it was worse than what I already read but before I could ask about it, I could see him typing an angry response and sending it almost immediately.

"I see what he means by hating you..." He mutters, staring at his phone probably rereading what he was sent.

(A/n btw I'm actually so sry for making a6d the villain, it kind of played out in the wrong direction haha, xem won't be a villain for long)

When he put the phone down, he began to completely bring out a different topic, "I know we've been avoiding this thing, but it's bugging me a lot and I think we should talk about it now than shove it away."

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now