14 - This is so gay oh my god.

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This is so gay oh my god. There's no unawkward way to let go on his hand, we're both just better holding hands. Eventually we turn the corner to a place I remember going to when I was younger just after middle school. I point to it with my free hand and say, "Oh h-hey, that's the park I used to go to!" 

Skeppy turns his head to see a very bland park, it barely had much, but it still gave childhood me some good memories. "Isn't this the place where you got beat up at?" He asks, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

I open my mouth, not saying anything and then close it again. I give him a 'we do not need to speak about that' look and begin to drag him over. When words came to my mind, I sputter them out, "There's still a lot of other memories that were made!"

As we got closer to the park, Skeppy gets a little antsy. I'll be honest, it looks like your stereotypical horror park. Old, dark, weird aura, empty. It was also very quiet surprisingly for being in L.A. We reach the gate and Skeppy immediately lets go of my hand and backs up a little. "Hell no, I am *not* going into a murder scene?"

I laugh at him, "Murder scene?"

"The Johnistons unsolved murder? The kid was murdered here..." He replies, flinching at every goosebump he got.

"It was? Cool." I respond and go to open the gate.

Halfway through the gate being opened, Skeppy blurts out, "Stop!"

I just giggle at him being scared. I didn't expect him to freak out so much at a park. I let go of the gate and go back to him and smile, "We don't have to go in."

I could tell he felt guilty, but before he could say anything I begin to run off in another direction. Skeppy eventually was able to catch me by putting his hands around my hips-

wait what.

I look back at him to make sure it was him, and there enough he was. He was beaming and even looked back at me until he realised that he was holding me in a very romantic way. "Oh- Uh. Sorry- Didn't ask what you were comfortable with..."

"It's okay. Just not in public. We're still semi-famous y'know?" I mention as I pull my hands up to hold his, "You do realise when you used 'bf' in your tweets in October everybody freaked out."

"Oh yeah. True. I dropped out of MCC because of that." He replies as he interlocked fingers with me.  "Speaking of freaking out, have you answered any of your messages on Discord? I'm getting wild enough messages from people asking about you."

"I think I blocked everyone. No, I just deleted Discord and block everyone's contacts. You are like the only person that's heard from me if we exclude that Tweet." I respond, starting to wonder how many messages I have gotten. Probably at least one from all of my friends that I've spoke to in the past year or so.

"You know you'll probably have to come clean to most, if not all of your friends, right?" He questions me, his fingers tensing up from even asking it. It's like he had to before and it didn't end well.

"Why are you acting like it's a bad thing?"

"Because it's hard to come clean. Plus you have to have the right people." 

"Have you ever came clean before?"

"No. But I should've a while ago."

"How come?"

". . ."

"It's okay."

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now