11 - I shrug and say, "I lied like 80% im that."

4 0 0

I shrug and say, "I lied like 80% in that."

"That doesn't help! Did you even listen to what A6d said?" Skeppy asks, partially yelling at me. He was so pissed, and for what? Addressing something?

"So this is what it is now? You and A6d are just documenting what I do?" I chat back, also yelling. I stand up to look at him in some sort of hatred.

"No! We're just looking out for you!" Skeppy protests.

"Protect me? By telling each other every little detail that you get from me?" I shout, the spite rolling off my tongue. Everything was happening so fast I couldn't even think. I just said what came first.

"Oh my god. We're trying to help you! Can't you fucking see that!?"

"No. I can't. You two are gossiping to each other, probably planning how to toy my mental health around! Just let me do my thing, it's my career, my health, my life!" After I said those words, I leave the room and head to mine.

Muffled words come through the walls, "Fine. If you find yourself about to kill yourself don't come to me crying."

He did not just say that under my god damn roof.

Ugh I can't be bothered to kick him out though. I guess I'll just leave it until tomorrow.


I've so completely fucked that up.

I would message A6d, but Bad's kind of right. We've just been telling each other everything even though Bad and I are a lot closer than we are to A6d especially recently. Bad opened up to me, and I've just shared that information to someone I don't even know he trusts.

Plus that last comment was definitely way too far. Fuck. I guess I just started yelling stuff at Bad because that's what I'd expect him to say to me if he found out I was hurting myself just like him.

I stare down at my thighs and sigh. Was it too early to apologise? Should I maybe wait until he cools down?

Just be lucky you weren't kicked out yet. Give it a couple hours for him to calm down and then apologise, because then he'd probably of over thought the situation and either be more annoyed or he'll forgive me.

I grab my phone and turn on my data to go to A6d's and I's DMs.

Hey Vince, I've stsrted to kind of realise how betraying it is to tll someone elsd about soeone else's mental health. Plus Bads kind of annoued at me rn bc he found out. I thimk I'm gonna stop updating u about what's happeninh and Baf can tell you in his own time. Hope u don't mind <3

I send the message, turn off my data and shove my phone in my pocket. The image of seeing Bad's slits scattered on his arms burned in my mind and it hurt. He was truly suffering, just like A6d and I but he was just less open about it. He only opened up because he actually knew I was willing to help him. Now he probably just thinks I'm there to mess him up and send him 50 steps back.

Oh, he made a Twitlonger too. I guess I'll actually read it. I did get mad at him when I didn't read it. It probably said nothing.

I turn my phone and data back on and go to that tweet. I click on the Twitlonger link and read everything.

Oh. He said basically nothing and hinted at the meetup. I truly messed up omg. He knew I wouldn't approve so he done it on his own.

I go to the replies of the tweet and its everyone just supporting Bad. I go and comment, 'you fr didn't tell me you were gonna make a tweet abt the meetup-_-,, anyway its good that ur OK <33.' After I make that comment, I see a familiar guy's comment.


Happy u guys met up ig


jkjk very happy:) also unblock me on discord lmao

Thank god. Knowing that A6d can sometimes have a short fuse made me panic for a second. Then I get a notification on Discord from A6d.

Yh ofc, ive started to realise how weird it is that were speaking abt bads mental health instead of maybe getting him to a therapist haha, anyway I won't be online today so lmk if u guys kiss tomorrow

Thanking God twice. Thank fuck.


Okay, maybe instead of kicking Skeppy out, what about I speak to him so I can get his side. Considering he also went through this, maybe telling people was the worst thing he had to do or something.p

I hear a 'Ding!' on my phone and it's Skeppy replying to something on Twitter. I guess I'll check out what it is. I tap on the notification and put in my pin (obvs 1414) and read the Tweet.

Is that him trying to tell me he wants to talk again or..?

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