26 - title cant fit

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Skep pov again for a little while:
Soon we were both bandaged up and even though we looked like our mother's just patched us up from after getting into a fight we were both happy. I didn't feel at shame to look at my legs because instead of wounds that I hated, I just saw bandages.

We just sat enjoying each others company until I heard the vibrations from Darryl's phone on his bedside cabinet. From where I was sitting I could tell Darryl had around 80 or so new notifications.

He really hasn't picked up his phone.

Since I was closer to the bedside cabinet I take his phone and hand it to him on his lap. He smiles sadly, I knew he hated looking at his phone because it reminded him of Vincent's last message.

"If you don't feel like checking I can see who it is if you'd like." I offer, being somewhat wary since some people could be overprotective of their phones.

"Sure." He says and hands his phone back to me, "I can barely turn it on without breaking down."

I turn on his phone and I see the most recent notification is from Sapnap, but when I tried to look at it the phone came up with a pin code. I tried 1414 for the funnys and it worked.

"You pin code is 1414?" I begin to chuckle. I guess fourteen did get to him.

He just grumbles. Once I load up the message from Sapnap, I read it out. "Hey man, I'm sorry for your loss. Vincent was a great guy, I'm going to come over in like four hours since the drives a bit long to check in on you and Skeppy."

Darryl looked sad for a moment until he realised faster than I did, "Sapnap's coming-"

"Oh fuck he is." I look at the bandages on his arms, "He'll be able to tell right?"

"That wasn't even what I worried about before but now you've made me worry again..." Darryl replies, "You'll be fine but I'll just need to find something really tight."

"Wait what are you worried about?" I ask him, hoping it wouldn't be too terrible.

"He thinks we're dating- I have not told him anything. He is possibly going to ask weird questions." He explains to me, the more he explained the more he realised how not serious it was.

I just giggle, I already knew the solution and it was just time to wait for Darryl to catch up.


"You know we're kind of half dating..." I say, "Plus Sapnap would probably understand."

He nods, "I guess." It felt as if he wasn't telling me something. I try to shake it from my thoughts but I couldn't. I felt as if I was missing out on something huge.

Before I replied, Bad spoke up again, "What if we did date?"

That sentence made my heart beat a hundred times faster. I tried to mask the smile I had on my face so it looked more serious but it just came out ugly. Even though I didn't have a tail, I felt as if my tail was wagging viguoirsly like a dog's. "Wh-What do you mean?"

"Like would you be against it?"

"I thought we talked about this..." I sighed mid sentence to express my point a little further. "I'd date you any day Darryl."

"I would date you any day too but I just feel bad for not taking you out first to ask..." He finally says. I guess apart from the fact our mental health is crushing that was probably the only reason.

"Bad. Darryl. You don't have to be fancy. I know you're someone that would prefer a movie night compared to a restaurant. I love that about you." I respond. I didn't have to think it over and over because I knew the right words would come out.

He smiles shyly. "So do you want to-"

"Fuck yes."

"You didn't even hear my question..." He says, knowing he had such an opportunity to ruin the moment.

I stay confident, "I know what you were going to ask."

"Go on." He holds a sly grin, I start to realise i probably should of listened to him.

"Don't say it ruins the moment."

His smile softens, "Do you want to be single or not?"

"That would ruin the mood."

"Love you too."

I roll my eyes and kept a inconsistent blush on my face.

STRUGGLING  // SKEPHALO // DISCONTINUED, UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now