Chapter 1

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"Ding-Ling! Come out and get your ice cream."

I hear from the dusty road 'cus one of the twins is trying to focus on the mission.

"Y/n, move on!" I hear from the ear piece and i follow Lennox with his men.

We're sitting inside a helicopter and listening what Lennox has to say to us.

Okay so let me start from the beginning.
After the battle i promised to myself that i'm gonna stay with Optimus and the others.

Of course Judy and Rom wasn't happy about my decisions and they wanted me to live like normal young adult but i told them that i'm old enough to do my own decisions.

I've worked sometimes with the army and the Autobots, trying to catch Decepticons but it's not often when Lennox let me come with them to do the missions because it can be do dangerous.

I've also tried to focus in school but it's hard to do many things all at once.

"All right, listen up." Lennox started.

"China's cover story on this one is toxic spill. They had to evac the area for search and rescue. This makes six enemy contacts in eight months. We gotta make sure this one does not get out in the public eye, so keep it tight." Lennox said to all of us.

We started to land to the ground and i was just about to hop out of the helicopter until i felt hand on my shoulder.

"Stay close to us or Ironhide." Lennox said to me.

"Please, i know what to do." I said and i stepped on the ground.

I tried to lower myself a little bit so that the wind doesn't push me.

We walked to the smaller street and we saw Ironhide just almost next to us.

"All right, Ironhide. Se got echoes. Vamos." Lennox said and tapped Ironhide's hood.

Ironhide started to transform from his altmode.

"Steel stacks at 2 o'clock." I heard Lennox said.

"He's here. I smell him." Ironhide said after he transformed and i started to felt sweat on my back just because it was really hot and because i was fighting Decepticons on the other side of the world.

We started to jog towards the factory.

"It's close. It's getting closer." Someone said.

I crouched behind some planks and i looked through the sight.

"Oh, no." Epps said.

"What is it?" I asked from him.

"Thermal ripple." Epps said and showed the camera to Lennox.

"Right, everybody be steady. We're right on top of it." Lennox said and i was staring at it and prepared to the worst.

The suddenly it started to make noises and it transformer from his altmode.

It was a huge excavator or something and then it hitted the ground and all the dust and the huge pipes started to fly towards us.

"Crap!" I murmured and i tried to lower myself so i wouldn't get hit by anything.

"Eagle niner!" Lennox yelled.

We started to shoot it and it transformed fully and it rolled out from the factory area.

Now there was helicopters shooting it and then it turned direction towards us.

"Y/n! Get away!" I just hear someone yell at me.

"We got another Decepticon!" I heard from the earpiece.

"Another one?" I murmured.

"Arcee! Twins! Target coming your way!" I heard Lennox say to them.

"It's not helping!" I yelled to Lennox.

"Bring in Sideswipe!" Lennox commanded.

Right after that Sideswipe came behind the corner and followed the Decepticon.

"Clear a path." Sideswipe said.

Sideswipe jumped over it and now was front of him.
He threw his sword right through it and pulled the Decepticon half.

"Damn, i'm good!" Sideswipe said after killing the Decepticon.

"Move! Everybody! Move!" Lennox said and we started to run to cars.

Now we were trying to catch the Decepticon who tried to run away.

"Air support, we need Big Buddha to deliver the drop now!" Lennox commanded.

I moved my eyes to the sky and i saw how Optimus jumped from the Helicopter and transformes to his altmode on the ground.

I don't know but whenever i saw him, he bring smile to my face.

It was mess.

Optimus fought the Decepticon and then they fell from the road.

We followed them and the Decepticon was in so bad condition that it couldn't do anything.

Ironhide and Optimus walked in fromt of us.

"Punk-ass Decepticon!" Ironhide said to him.

"Any last words?" Optimus asked from him.

"This is not your planet to rule! The Fallen shall rise again." The Decepticon said to Optimus.

"That doesn't sound good." Epps said.

"Yeah, definitely not." I answered to him.

"Not today." Optimus said and he shoot the Decepticon

"That's deep..." I murmured.

"Okay! Everyone pack things up! It's done!" Lennox said to all of us.

"Let's go." I said.

"Not you..." Lennox said and i turned so fast to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have taken you here if i knew this was getting so intense." Lennox said.

"I can do things by myself..." I tried to save my ass.

"No... You're going to CA and you're going to finish you college like you promised." Lennox tapped my shoulder.

"Huh? When did i promise something like that?" I asked.

"Optimus is gonna take you home." Lennox said.

"C'mon!" I lifted my shoulders out of frustration.

Sooo i was thinking a lot how should i start this story because i didn't want Y/n to be the world 1st bad ass army bitch who kill all the Decepticon by themself so i tried to think something... First one or two chapter can be maybe boring but ofc it depends how you see it :) and thank you for started to read the second story!

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