Chapter 5

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" I swear to god, i saw something shiny and it's just getting worse." I said with dead serious voice tone.

"Okay, okay. We'll look at it after this. Okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." I nodded

Leo was hitting his desk.

"Robo-warrior, the guy's our main competition on conspiracy stuff. Effing was my F-king idea and he stole it! He's been linking to my site and thieving hits forever. By the way, i read your file. I'm poor, you're poor and i don't know what you are." Leo said to me.

"Anything but poor..." I murmured.

"We're gonna fix that, all right? You work for me now and i can consider taking your little friend too." Leo said to Sam.

Sam was speechless.

"Damn. I wish Lennox would have said that to me and not sent me here." I said and i crossed my arms.

"I work for you now? That's incredible. It's first day of college, i got a career in a dinky internet firm with a boss who made up of just pure champion stuff." Sam was annoyed.

"Are you mocking my life's work, Samuel?" Leo asked

"Samuel? Damn." I whispered.

"That's your one warning patrolling, dude. Don't make me have Fassbinder hack your financial aid, 'cause i'll do it." Leo snapped at Sam and Sam didn't even listen at him and he just left from the room and i followed him.

"Hey! Sam!" I yelled.

I was following Sam and he tried to switch rooms but it didn't work out this time.

And then we heard Judy and Ron.

"It's just like Hogwarts." Judy said and looked around while eating something.

"This is co-ed dorm?" Ron said.

"You guys want to meet my roommates?" Sam asked from Judy and Ron.

"Yeah and next one is Y/n." Judy said happily.

"Definitely not." I said and i followed them back to Sam's room.

"Here's Leo." Sam introduced him to Judy and Ron.

"We're the Witwickys." Ron introduced.

"I'm Leo." Leo said.

"I'm Judy." Judy said back.

"Hey, you have agreat son, you really do." Leo acted so nice.

"Well, aren't you the sweetest thing? Judy asked from him and she kept eating.

"Yeah, he's real sweet, Ma." Sam said to Judy.

"What is that in your hand by the way?" Sam asked from her and looked the little plastic bag.

"Oh, i got this at the bale sale for the environment that those boys are having. You know, you don't often see white boys with the dreadlocks." Judy explained.

"Are you high?" I asked.

"Mom?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it's 100% pure, Hawaiin green for tve environment." Judy showed the bag.

"How many have you eaten?" Sam asked.

"Drop it." Ron said from behind.

"What is this?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, they baked it with reefer." Ron said to Judy.

"Oh my god, she's high." I said and i placed my hands over my forehead.

"No, it's..." Judy tried to keep the bag on herself.

"Please, give me..." Sam tried his best.

"Hey! It's my cheat day. I can eat what i want." Judy snapped to us.

"I'm hoing to freak out. Please do something right now, Dad." Sam said and covered his ears.

Judy left and i started following her.

"Please do something right now." Sam repeated himself and then Ron was following me with Sam.

"I'll handle this." Ron said to me.

"My godness." I said and i pinched my temples.

Sam was standing in the hallway with his box.

"I'm sorry and you're welcome." Leo walked to us.

While some blonde girl walked past us and Leo started to speak spanish.

"We call it the Hot Freshman 55." Leo explained.

"Sharsky hacked Campus Housing and stacked the dorm with pretty Betties. Is... Is so nice..." Leo said.

"Why am i even listening this?" I asked and nobody answered to me Because Leo was already drooling for some new girl.

"Oh, my god. That's her. She's coming. She sees me, she sees me." Leo talked about someone and i looked the back of the hallway and Alice was there.

She was staring at us.

Leo was stressed and Sam didn't know what was happening.

"Sam, that's her..." I murmured.

"She's tied for number on my to-do list. Do not bird-dog my quail, you hear me?" Leo asked from Sam.

"But she's crazy!" I whispered loudly.

"Shhh." Leo shushed to me and i was getting annoyed so i walked away.

I went back to my room and i organized the things i had with me.

I looked my hand and nothing has changed after when i told it to Sam.

I looked my phone and there was message from Lennox.

Do your best and have fun! Also Optimus send good luck to you.

Optimus... One thing i can tell that i miss him but also we know eachother better now.

He was also one of the reasons i didn't want to leave but he told me to go and that they all are waiting for me.

I place my phone closer to my chest and i leh down to the bed.

I looked the screen of my phone and i didn't know what to answer.

Haven't been here even a one full day and everything crazy has happened. Just warning that i may come back sooner! Also tell Optimus that i really hope, his good luck will be here soon...

I threw my phone onto the bed and i close my eyes for a while.

I really hope that Lennox or Optimus will update me what's happening

Gently reminder that i'm not gonna make y/n to turn over dramatically super natural robot bike or anything but something is maybe gonna happen

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