Chapter 21

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We kept running through the buildings and then we got on top on the hill but i tripped to my own feet so i rolled the hill down.

"Sam! Y/n!" I heard someone yelled our names.

"Sam! Y/n!" Someone kept yelling but i didnmt focus it on that much. I tried to focus not to get my ass killed right now.

There was a Decepticon transforming in front of us but we got behind a building.

"Sam!" I heard a female voice yelling.

"Judy? Ron? Oh no, what are you doing here?" I asked from them but then a Decepticon jumped right in front of me and i fell to the ground.

"No! Wait!" I yelled to it.

Devastator was pointing a gun towards Ron and Judy but it didn't do anything.

"Please listen to men i want you to run! Run!" Ron yelled to me and Sam.

"No! Stop! They don't want you, or Sam, they want me!" I yelled to Ron while i kept my hands up in the air.

But then Devastator threw his tail between me and Ron.

"Wait!" I yelled to it.

"Y/n L/n." Devastator said to me.

"Don't hurt them. You don't want them! This is what you want and everything what's in my mind." I said to him and i showed him my sock.

"Go!" Judy yelled to me.

"Stop, please." I tried to stop the Devastator.

"Listen to Ron!" Judy yelled to me.

I kept my hands up and i looked at Sam. He looked very worried and i knew that this could be the end but then i heard a whistle from behind a building and i looked there. I saw Bee standing there.

"Just please, i know what you want. You want me because i know about the Matrix." I kept distracting the Devastor and i tried to turn and walk so that Bee was behind his back.

"They're going to kill us all anyway!" Ron yelled to me but i didn't listen to him.

The Devastator was moving again.

"Hey, here! I can give it to you!" I said and i was moving my hand to him.

"Bumblebee!" I yelled and i jumped out of the way because Bee attacked on the Devastator.

It was intense but Bee tried his best to kill the Devastator. It twisted it around and punched his servos off. Then another Decepticon attacked on Bee but Bee pulled from his tail and pulled his whole spine out of its body and Bee kept fighting with Devastator.

We gathered together and now ron and Judy were with us. After a while Bee finally killed the Devastator.

"Bee?" Sam asked.

"Yeah?" Bee whirred to him.

"Good job." I said to Bee out of my breath.

I nodded to Sam and then we run somewhere safe, behind some buildings.

"I don't know what's going on but we've got to move!" Ron yelled and after that another missile landed next to us.

I covered my ears from the noise.

Judy went to hug Ron and they kept running together.

"Sam! We don't have much time!" I yelled to him.

"There's got to be a way out of here!" Ron kept yelling.

We were like headless chickens trying to find our way out but it was impossible.

"Against the wall." Sam said to us.

"We need Bee... Bumblebee!" I yelled to him wherever he was.

"Sam, they need to leave this place! Bee, get them somewhere safe." I said to Sam and then to Bee.

I looked at Sam and he nodded to me and then he looked at Ron.

"You've got to get in the car and get to safety." Sam said to Ron.

"No, this isn't up for discussion!" Ron yelled to Sam.

"You're my son! And Y/n is like my kid!" Ron yelled.

"I know." Sam said back to Ron.

"We all go together!" Ron said to us.

"Dad, stop, okay? Get in the car. He's gonna get you to safety. You know, you run. You don't stop, you don't hide, you run. Your hear what i'm saying, okay?" Sam asked from Ron.

"We'll find you when you're safe." Sam said to Ron.

"No!" Ron didn't like the idea.

"You've got to let me go, Dad! I need to help y/n. You have to let me go." Sam tried to convice Ron.

"Ron." Judy said to him.

"Please." I asked too.

"Ron, let him go." Judy said to Ron.

Ron was staring at Sam and then me.

"You come back! Both of you!" Ron said and then he and Judy started to run towards Bee.

"Go with my parents." Sam said to Mikaela.

"I'm not gonna go without you." Mikaela said to Sam.

"Then both of you go! I can do it myself." I said after Mikaela.

"No! We're not gonna leave you alone." Sam said to me.

"Okay..." I nodded and i looked at Mikaela too and she nodded to me.

I turned around and i started to run away from the building.

"We need to get their attention!" I said to Sam.

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