Chapter 18

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"Are you serious?" I asked from Simmons.

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Your spouse?! I could've been your daughter or cousin or something but spouse?" I asked.

"It would've been suspicious and nobody would suspect a pretty woman." Simmons said raising his hands.

"Oh please... That's one of the stupidest thoughts i've ever heard." I said and i looked at him.

"Okay, okay, okay! Could we focus on this?" Sam asked from the back middle seat.

"Bee drive next to that edge." Sam pointed and Bee drove there and the we started to climb up. We finally got on top of the edge and we started to run towards the building.

Skids was shushing.

"Undercover, yo. You got to bled in with your surroundings. You know, you got to be part of the landscape." Skids was acting like a ninja or trying to but then he bumped into Bee who was following us.

Sam went to the door and tried to open it and i stopped to look the giant pyramid.

"Awesome! I think aliens built that. Yeah, yeah." Simmons suddenly said and i just shook my head.

"come on. Move it! Move it!" Simmons said and we ran inside the building.

"Guard us. Low profile. Don't make a scene, okay?" Sam said to the Autobots.

"No fighting." I pointed the twins.

"Why ya pointing at us?" Mudflap asked from me but i didn't stay there because Wheelie was already kicking me to inside the building.

"Yeah, some of us got work to do. Dumb Autobots." Wheelie said.

It was getting dark and we were talking thigs around and we tried to think how we would find the tomb. We decided that we're gonna continue tomorrow and just rest the night.

Sam and Mikaela went outside to talk things and just sit around while i stayed with Leo and Simmons.

Simmons and Leo were arguing about thing and then Simmons tried to tell things to Leo and all about this whole Transformers things. I was staring out of the window and thinking all about the Fallen, the Matrix, the tomb, Dagger's Tip.

Time went by and Simmons and Leo fell asleep. I stood up because i was getting tired too and i was thinking about to go to sleep. I stretched my arms over my head while looking outside and i saw the moon and the tips of the pyramids. It brought a smile to my face because it was actually beautiful and i remember back to the military when we were on the field and it was calm night we looked the starts and with Optimus we talked about space and the also told me about the Primes.

There was so many starts but then i realized about the starts.

"No freaking way!" I whispered very loud and right that moment i started to run downstairs to get Sam and Mikaela. I saw them laying there together and they just stared at me while i was out of my breath.

"I know! I figured it out! Hurry up and come here! " I yelled to them and they just looked at eachother and stood up.

Right after that i ran back to upstairs to Leo and Simmons.

"Simmons! Leo! Wake up!" I yelled while running the stairs.

"I figured it out!" I said to them and they just stared at me with confusion.

"Astronomy class, page 47. Did you read it?" I asked from Sam and Leo.

"No. I was only in college for two days. Remember that?" Leo said to me and then i looked at Sam but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Right. Okay. Come here. Get up." I said to them and i walked outside.

It was getting brighter but luckily there was still stars on the sky.

"Look! Those three stars on the sky. See them? That very last star which touches the horizon? That star is Orion's belt, but it's also called the Three Kings and why? Because three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow." I said to all of them.

"Staring us straight in the face." Sam said after me.

"Exactly." I pointed Sam.

"They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra." Simmons pointed the stars.

"Right! So i think i know where we need to go!" I said while looking Sam in the eyes.

"Let's go." Sam said and nodded.

We grabbed our stuff and we went outside and explained it to Bee so he took us there.

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