Chapter 22

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We hide behind one wall and i saw Arcee.

"That's Arcee!" I said to Sam while pointing her.

"Spotted Y/n." Arcee said.

"Y/n!" Ironhide said.

"Ironhide!" I tried to yell at him.

Good thing is that they've noticed us.

"Follow us to the pillars. We'll take you to Optimus." Arcee said to me but then Decepticon shoot her.

"Shit!" I said.

I really liked Arcee because she was only female there with me.

"Get out, Y/n! Get to the pillars!" Ironhide yelled to me.

"Let's keep moving." I said to Sam and Mikaela and we started to run again.

I'm not running never again after this battle!

"Look, we're almost there!" I said and pointed the way.

We were running right towards the battle where was Decepticons shooting all over the place.

"Move!" Sam said.

I kept running behind the pillars and my oegs were burning but i didn't quit.

I saw Ironhide right there and they all were so close.

"Hey! Ironhide!" I yelled to him.

"Y/n! Spotted Y/n!" Ironhide said.

I kept running and i tried to find Lennox but i didn't see him anywhere.

Megatron was there. He tried to shoot us.
I felt like my limbs were falling off and i felt how the ground was rumbling under my feet but i didn't want to look behind.

I tripped to the ground and the sand was burning hot.

"Get up, Y/n!" Sam yelled to me.

I tried to push myself up and i looked infront of us.


"Lennox!" I yelled to him and hoped that he could help.

I tried to wave at him and i saw that he, Epps and other soldiers were running towards us.

I tried to find a safe place and out of the way because another Decepticon appeared behind us.

"Y/n! Come here! Mikaela!" Lennox yelled to us.

I looked at him and i saw him waving to me. I stood up and i started to run towards him.

Mikaela and Sam were running in front of me and Lennox helped them.

"Lennox! Oh my god!" I said and i held his arm.

"You okay?! You know what you're doing?!" Lennox asked from me.

"I'm okay..." I said out of breath while i was in his arms.

I went next to the wall and i sit down there Lennox next to me.

"Good you're alive." Epps said to me.

I tried to smile at him.

"You better have a freaking good reason for us to be here." Lennox said to me.

"Yeah..." I said and well yeah no i really don't have time to screw this up.

"Lennox, where's Optimus?" I asked.

"He's right over there, across the courtyard." Lennox pointed there.

"I need to get to him right now." I said.

"Not with an air strike coming." Lennox said to me.

"Well then fucking command them and say that we don't have time!" I said while i kept my eyes on Optimus.

"Whoa." Lennox whispered and then he kept me behind him and pushed me back.

"Go. Back, back, back, back." Lennox said.

The Decepticons were coming closer.

"Incoming! Stick the landing! Behild the glory of Jetfire!" Jetfire flew there and was fighting against the Decepticons.

"He's in good shape." I said surprised.

"Now let me show you how we brought the pain in my day!" Jetfire said while killing the Decepticon.

Then one Decepticon flew above us and attacked on Jetfire.

I covered my head and i was on the ground.

"I'm too old for this crap." Jetfire said laying on the ground.

"Lennox! Now! We don't have time." I said to him.

"We need the air force!" He said again.

"God damnit! Give me a gun!" I said because i was getting frustrated.

"I'm not gonna let you kill yourself!" Lennox said to me.

"We're all going to die if i don't get to Optimus!" I said back to him.

Lennox looked at me and i knew he was worried but i needed to do this. He just sighed.

"We're gonna make a break through the B's on my command, okay?" Lennox said and Epps spoke to the radiophone.

"You guys stuck with me, you understand? Expecially you! You stay on my ass." Lennox pointed at me.

"Don't i always do that?" I asked because this needed little humor.

"Yeah, you do." Lennox whispered.

"I hope these F-16s got good aim." Epps said looking up.

"Don't they usually got?" I asked squating between Lennox and Epps.

"Yeah? Why is that?" Lennox asked.

"I told them to hit the orange smoke." Epps said.

I looked around us.

"You're kidding right?!" I asked while i sighed deeply.

"You mean that orange smoke?" Lennox asked.

Around us was fully with the orange smoke.

"It wasn't my best toss, okay?" Epps said focused.

"Yeah? No kidding?" I asked.

Lennox just looked at Epps with silence.

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