Chapter 20

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"We need to get to Optimus." I said while we were driving towards the city where they dropped optimus.

Believe or not but this weather and sand was pain in my ass.

"So what's the plan?" Leo asked.

"The plan?" I asked from him.

"You have a plan? Do you?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, stay alive and bring Optimus back. That's my plan. And nobody dies, okay?" I asked from all of them.

"Look! There they are." I pointed the way where they shoot the flare.

"Right over there!" Simmons yelled and pointed it.

We started to drive faster towards the flare but then suddenly there was missiles flying towards us but Bee dodged them.

"Crap!" I murmured

"Oh, god. Please, god! Please." Leo started to cry in the back seat.

"Leo, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out." Mikaela said to him.

"Shut this guy up, huh?" Simmons said.

"Please, just let me live, just let me live!" Leo kept crying.

"Please knock him down." I said.

"Just stop screaming..." Sam said to Leo.

"Leo! Calm down and be quiet!" I said to him again but he wasn't listening.

"All right, that's it!" Simmons sid and he toik the taser and he tased Leo.

"I can't take that guy anymore." Simmons said and put the taser away.

"Thank you." I sighed.

Then the Decepticon transformed in front of us and kept shooting towards us.

"It's Starscream." I said while looking behind.

"Hide in the dust. Use the dust." Simmons said and Bee drove through the dust behind some bigger pile of gravel and then he stopped.

"We've got to split up. Bumblebee, you're the decoy. You lead the Decepticons away, all right? Y/n's gonna get Optimus and we're gonna go with her." Sam said and pointed me.

"You really don't need to." I said.

"I'll help draw their fire with Huey and Dewey there." Simmons said and pointed the twins.

So nobody is not listening my opinion here.

"You get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works, kid." Simmons said and looked at me.

"Me too." I said and then i looked at Sam and Mikaela and i started to run towards the city.

"You guys really don't need to do this." I said panting while i kept running.

"Shut up, we can't leave you alone." Sam said behind me.

"That's brave... But um i want you to end this if i can't. You understand? And then you need to tell Optimus that i really tried." I said and i stopped the edge on a cliff.

"You're gonna make it and you tell Optimus that yourself." Sam said.

Then i saw two flares again coming from the city.

"Look. There it is. We got a couple of miles." Sam said.

"Okay." I nodded and we started to run again.

All i could think was Optimus and how i could hear his voice again.

"We're almost there. Keep up, guys." I said but we still have about a mile left.

We got to the ruins and we were so close.

"This way. This way." Sam said and pointed the other way.

"This is crazy." I said.

We kept running in the ruins and i heard loud noises and i saw one missile flying above us.

"They know. They definitely know." I said but i still kept running.

"Who knows? What?" Mikaela asked.

"The Decepticons knows about the Matrix." I said.

The whole way towards the city felt like hours.

We were so close and we started to see buildings.

"Sam, Y/n." Mikaela started to whisper us.

I was confused but i looked around and we were fucked up. The place was full of Decepticons and then we stepped inside a little building to hide.

"I don't think they saw us." Sam said while he closed to door.

"Get down." I whispered to Mikaela and Sam because the Decepticons were right next to us.

"This is nerve cracking but i have a plan. Once they're out of our way, we run for Optimus as fast as we can, okay?" I asked from them.

"What if it doesn't work?" Mikaela asked.

"Then we're screwed but that ain't gonna happen." I said quietly.

I was about to stood up and see if our way is okay but then there was a loud thud next to us and footsteps approaching us.

Mikaela held her hands in front of her mouth and i totally forgot how to breath because i held my breath.

The Decepticon was only a one wall away from us and it could kill us any time right now.

I took a metal stick from the ground and i pushed it through the wall so that i could see something to outside.

I tried to be so careful and quiet.

I looked outside from the little hole and i could see the Decepticon's legs and it shoot the other way. They were definitely looking at me.

I was still next to the wall and then i notice that a little bug flew through the hole and it wasn't a notmal bug. It was something from the Decepticons.

I took it between my thumb and index finger and it kept buzzing and tried to fly away.

This was brutal but i grabbed its head with my other hand and i pulled it off.

There was silence in a moment but then suddenly the roof was lifted up. Sam and Mikaela started to scream.

"Oh, no!" I yelled and we backed up and the Decepticon tried to grab us but whe fell through the hay wall and that was our way out.

The Decepticon kicked the whole building but we kept running. I was running up the stairs and we got up one of the buildings.

"What now?" Sam asked.

"Jump!" I said and i took few steps and i jumped from the roof to other side and hoped that i landed on the other building's roof.

We rolled too far and we fell from the roof to the ground but luckily it wasn't tol high.

I groaned a little bit from pain but i tried to stood up as fast i could and i kept running and just hoped that Sam and Mikaela were behind me.

I went inside a abandoned building and i pushed the chickens out of my way.

"You okay?" Sam asked me and i got scared that it was a Decepticon.

"Yeah, look, about a half-mile but i don't know if Lennox and the others knows we're here. Lets just keep running and try to get their attention." I looked towards the city and i started to run again.

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