Chapter 24

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I start to walk towards Optimus and i'm climbing on him. I'm standing right on top of his chest and i look the Matrix.

"Here we go! It's this or nothing." I said my last words and then i pushed the Matrix to Optimus's chest.

I felt nudge and i looked closerly Optimus.

His optics went open and he started to cough.

"I did it... i.. oh my god." I laughed.

"I did it!" I yelled to everyone.

The tarp flew off on Optimus.

I jumped down and i stood next to Optimus.

He firstly groaned and then he managed to get up.

My eyes started to get watery.

"You really are alive." I said because i've never been happier.

"You returned for me." Optimus said and looked at me.

"Of course i did." I answered to him.

"A living Prime!" I heard Jetfire celebrate little further away.

"I don't believe it." Jetfire continued.

Then suddenly i saw how Decepticons arrived and the Fallen arrived right next to us so that i fell down to the ground like the others.

The Fallen pushed Optimus down to the ground and stepped on him.

"My Matrix." The Fallen said and he somehow took the Matrix out of Optimus chest.

Then the Fallen left leaving Optimus to the ground.

"No! Not now!" I said and i tried to run next to Optimus.

"Optimus! Get up! I didn't do this for nothing! Optimus!" I yelled and i ran next to his head and i looked straight to his optics.

"Get up, Prime!" Jetfire yelled.

"You heard! Please! Do it for your allies! Do it for me!" I looked at Optimus.

"He's turning on the machine!" Sam yelled to us.

"What?!" I asked.

This isn't the way how this was supposed to go...

"Optimus! You gotta stop him! Please get up!" I grabbed from his arm plate.

Then something started to happen. The Fallen turned the machine on and it made a horrible noise. The army's tanks started to shoot towards the pyramids.

"Optimus... listen here! I didn't so this for nothing. I didn't do this for Sam, not for Mikaela, not for Lennox! I did this because i need you! I need answers!" I didn't like to yell at him so i said but i raised a little bit my voice so he could hear me.

"Leave, before you get hurt." Optimus said to me.

"Don't you start!" I said to him.

The Fallen did something and all the metal crap started to float towards him but when they were almost on top of the pyramid he released all of the metal and they dropped down.

I heard Sam mumbling to Mikaela something and i also head Jetfire said something but i tried to focus on Optimus.

"Optimus, take my parts and you will have a power you've never known." I heard Jetfire said to Optimus and Optimus just stared at Jetfire.

I just looked between Optimus and Jetfire.

"Fulfill your destiny." Jetfire said lastly and then he ripped his spark out and he fell to the ground.

My Matrix || Optimus PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now