Chapter 2

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"Okay Kiddo... Study hard and when you graduate please come back to teach some sense in these men." Epps hugged me and joked about it.

"Maybe i'll run away and come back sooner." I laugh and then i heard cough behind us and it was Lennox.

"Or maybe not... Okay but seriously what if it's full of shit?" I asked straightly.

"And this is everyone's dream?" Lennox asked and looked the hall.

Igave him a goodbye hug.

"Well maybe it's mine." I murmured.

"Y/n, please... Try it even a month." Lennox said.

"Fine, i will try my best... But isn't it weird that adult like me is with them?" I asked.

"And who told you to skip few grades?" Lennox crossed his arms.

"Right... funny and personal but still funny." I said.

"Bye, y/n!" Lennox yelled and Epps was waving.

"Please keep the place in one piece." I walked away and waved to them.

I walked outside the hall and Optimus was there waiting at me.

"You ready?" He asked and opened the driver's seat door for me.

"Not really but i promised to try." I said while i climbed up.

"I'm proud that you're even trying." Optimus said and i pulled the door close.

"Nah but seriously Optimus... i'm like super old and i'm going there with the kids?" I said snd i put the seatbelt on.

"You're only few years older than Sam." Optimjs corrected.

"Right... Sam." I murmured because i was fully forgotten him.

Optimus started his engine and he started to drive away.

It was beautiful morning and sun was shining.

"Optimus, please pick me up if anything happens." I said and i tried to correct my posture.

"I will." He said.

I knew he was lying because he didn't want me to get any trouble or get hurt and he definitely wouldn't pick me up...

The roads and streets started to look familiar and soon we were at home.

Optimus didn't drive right in front of us place but that was fine.

"Say hello to Sam and Bumblebee." Optimus said.

"Sure, i will." I murmured and i opened the door.

"Y/n." Optimus started.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Don't get hurt." He said.

"It's school, Optimus... But i won't and same to you. When i come back i don't wanna see you dead." I said and i stepped out from the cabin.

I closed the door and then i placed my hand to his front plate.

"See ya soon." I said and Optimus started his engine and drove away.

I started to walk towards our house and the sun was burning my shoulders.

What makes this funny, first plan was getting home yesterday but i was tired and i begged Lennox to let me be there one last day.


"Please, i'm begging you with all of my strength." I said and i placed my hands over my head.

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