Chapter 8

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I threw my door open and i tried to find something cold and then i remebered the Cube piece what i gave Mikaela.

Where's my phone

I needed to call her right now.

"Y/n?" She picked up.

"Mikaela! Hey!" I asked.

"You okay?" Mikaela sounded worried.

"Me? No? Yes! Actually have you talk to Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah, 10 minutes ago. He told me what happened. Are you sure you're okay?" Mikaela make sure.

"That idiot... anyway, what happened was really weird. Do you remember what Sam was telling you about his great-great-grandfather, Archibald Witwicky?" I asked when i went next to the sink and i put my hand under the cold water.

"Yeah?" Mikaela said.

"Hey?! Y/n? Are you okay? I saw what happend to you." I heard Leo knocking the door.

Why the fuck he's asking?

"Get your ass lost!!" I yelled to him.

"Okay? So his great-great-grandfather went to there Artic mission, right? So and he saw Megatron. Megatron zapped him, and started seeing these crazy symbols. Okay. Well, now i'm seeing them, too. Those same freaking symbols. And i just read a 903-page astronomy book in 32.6 seconds. I had meltdown in the middle of our class!" I raised my voice and i was out of my breath.

"Are you seriously okay?" Mikaela was worried.

"Mikaela! Listen. I'm seeing symbols ever since i..." I ended.

"Ever since what?" Mikaela continued.

"Ever since i touched the Cube splinter. You still have it?!" I asked.

"Yeah, i have it. It's in the shop safe. It's fine." Mikaela said.

"Okay, do not touch it!" I continued.

"I'm not gonna touch it. It's fine. It's locked away. No one knows where it is." Mikaela promised to me.

"Mikaela! I think-...? "  I was about to ask something but i got cut off.

"Y/n, hold on." Mikaela interupted me.

Mikaela put the phone on the table and i could only hear that she was talking to someone.

"What was that?" I asked from her.

"I'll tell you later, just not on an open phone line. I'm gonna get on a plane right now and i'll be there later this afternoon. Just be careful." Mikaela said to me.

"Wait!" I yelled.

Mikaela was quiet.

"I don't know should i tell this but Sam has been weird and i'm not sure if it's because my crazy roommate but please talk to him." I said and i think it was best to tell her that.

"Thank you. We'll see soon." Mikaela hang up on the phone.

I shut the sink and i ran next to my room and i took papers and my books because now the shit was getting serious.

I threw my room's door open and i run through the hallways in front of Sam's room.

"Sam! Are you there?!" I yelled but nobody answered.

I opened the door carefully and i peeked but nobody was inside so i stepped in and i organized all the papers on the bed because then everything is ready when Sam gets here.


My head started to ache again and i felt like my heart was gonna run out of my chest.

I started to mumbling and i had brush on my hand.

I started to paint and write these weird letters on the walls.

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