Chapter 23

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"Viper, thunder." Pilot said through the radiophone.

"Shit!" I murmured.

"Run!" Lennox and Epps yelled in sync.

I've never started to run so fast in my life like i did right now.
I stayed close as possible to Lennox like he told us. We run through the sand field and there was missiles hitting to the ground.
The F-16s finally shot the missiles to the ground.

"Incoming!" Epps yelled while we tried to run as fast as we could.

"Run!" I yelled to Sam and Mikaela.

"Come on!" Lennox yelled to me.

We were getting closer to the safe place but then i looked left and i saw Optimus laying there.

I knew it was gonna be dangerous but like i said i'm gonna this even if it takes my own life, i just need to get him back alive.

I changed my direction right towards Optimus and i didn't listen anyone this time.

"Y/n!" Lennox yelled to me.

I was almost there and i was so close to Optimus but from the sand and dust clouds a Decepticon ran right behind me.

I closed my eyes for a while and hoped that i could run faster.

Megatron shoot the ground few times and one got so close to me legs that the whole ground moved under my legs and then i flew and i fell to the ground and everything went black.

I couldn't feel anything, hear anything or see anything. I felt like i was dead.

Lennox Pov

We were running and i tried to keep eye on Y/n because she could do anything stupid. I tried to grab from her arm so she wouldn't go anywhere.

"Come on!" I yelled to Y/n and she was running behind me.

She looked like she didn't listen to me at all.

All of sudden she started to run to the other way.

"Y/n!" I yelled to him but nothing. It was useless.

She kept running and suddenly there was a Decepticon running right behind him and it shoot the ground and next thing Y/n fell to the ground.

"Y/n!" Mikaela yelled.

I looked at Sam and he was speechless. He didn't say anything but his eyes told everything.

"Hold your fire!" I yelled to everyone to stop it.

I looked at Y/n and she didn't move at all.

Mikaela and Sam started to run towards her.

"Stop!" I yelled and i ran after them.

"Y/n! Wake up!" Sam said to her.

"Stay back!" I told Mikaela and Sam and i pushed them away from her.

"Y/n! I told you to stay with me!" I said to Y/n.

"Fucking do something!" Mikaela yelled to me.

I started to give CPR and hope the best that she would wake up.

"Y/n! You promised to come back to the base!" I whispered to her while her body looked lifeless.

"C'mon! C'mon!" I murmured.

I put my ear closer to her face so i could hear if she breathed.

I looked at Sam and Mikaela.

"You got to move, come on." I said to Mikaela and Sam.

Medic arrived next to Y/n.

"We got no pulse." They said.

"Do something! She's your soldier! Your friend!" Sam yelled to me.

"You think i don't know that?!" I said to Sam.

"Clear. Ready to shock." Medic said.

They tried to bring her back to life.

Bumblebee walked closer to us and he whirred sadly.

"Do it again!" I told the Medics when they tried the defibrillator and it didn't show any results.

The medics just shake their heads because it looked that there was nothing we could do anymore.

"No..." Sam whispered.

"Try again!" I told the medics but they just shook their heads.

"Move!" Sam said and he went next to Y/n.

"Y/n! Many people needs you! You needed to bring Optimus back alive. You said you don't wanna quit yet! There is lot of people who cares and loves you! Optimus cares about you! Come back! Don't leave us now!" Sam said to Y/n.

Back to Y/n:

I didn't feel anything. Am i dead? How long has it been? It's dark

I'm trying to open my eyes or get any kind of sing or light.

"Is that? Sun?" I asked from myself.

I saw out of nowhere a big light and it looked like sun.

"Where am i? Am i dead?" I asked and my voice just echoes.

"We have been watching you a long, long time." Voice said to me.

"What?" I asked and i put my right arm over my eyes because the light was so bright.

"You have fought for Optimus, our last descendant, with courage and with sacrifice, the virtues of a leader, a leader worthy of our secret. The Matrix of Leadership is not found, it is earned." The deep voice told me.

"Earned? How about my arm? Tell me about it!" I asked and i showed my right arm to them.

"The power of AllSparks is something higher power you've seen. Any fragments remains has incredible power like the Cube did and even the fragments are capable of creating new transformers but in your case you've somehow got the spark and like you see in your arm, it's not normal. You've got the spark." The voice answered to me.

"What?! Does that mean my arm or insides are metal? How am i supposed to live with this?" I asked.

"You need to figure it out yourself. Return now to Optimus. Merge the Matrix with his spark. It is, and always has been, your destiny." The voice said to me.

"Optimus is my destiny? Wait no? I don't understand!" I said but then the light went more brighter and i felt like electricity went through my whole body.

I closed my eyes again but then i felt a cold breeze and i opened my eyes again and i tried to breath normaly.

What just happened?

I'm trying to catch my breath and i don't know if i'm really dead.

"Y/n!" Sam said raising his voice.

I see Lennox and Mikaela staring at me.

Lennox grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"Y/n! Breath! You okay?" Lennox asked from me and i just stared at him.

"I'm alive..." I whispered.

"Yeah, you're alive." Sam said to me.

The Matrix!

I tried to roll around and i tried to find it.  It was on my right side and i grabbed it.

I stood up and i looked the Matrix.

I turned around quickly so i could see Optimus.

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