Chapter 13

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Bee was driving and we were looking the Robo-Warrior. It was already bright and we got back to the city.

"This guy, Robo-warrior, everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know. One time we revenge-hacked his site and maybe i saw some of your alien drawing or whatever." Leo said and looked at me.

"Right so maybe this Robo man can really help us." I said.

"Hope so." Mikaela said after me.

It looked like the dark side of the city where all the scary people lives in.

Bee stopped, Mudflap and Skids were behind us. I stood up from Bee's altmode and Sam followed me. I put my hair on ponytail and sunglasses because Mikaela and Sam said i need to hide myself.

"This is it. Yep" Leo said while looking around.

"This?" I asked and i looked the building.

"All right, wait here. I'll give you the go/no go. All right?" Leo commanded to us.

Leo stepped inside the shop and i just looked at Sam.

"I'm going too. I'm not letting him to screw this up." I said and i pushed myself towards the door.

"Wait!" Sam whispered to me.

It is a freaking meat shop.

"Robo-Warrior." I hear Leo's voice.

"No! No way!" I raised my voice.

"It's him. It's him. That's the guy right there. That's him." Leo said and pointed the man.

"No." He said.

"You piece of crap." I said to Simmons.

"You got to be kidding me?" I hear Sam's voice behind me.

"All right, meat store's closed. Everybody out. Out, right now." Simmons yelled and he tried to close the store.

I turned around and i stared at Mikaela and Sam.

"SIMMONS?!" I asked loudly.

"How was i supposed to know?" Sam lifted his hands.

"Wait a minute. You know this guy?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, very well." I said still staring at Simmons.

"We're old friends." Sam said.

"Old friends?" Simmons cut him off.

"You and this little miss are the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh, disbanded. No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing." Simmons started.

"All 'cause of you, your little criminal girlfriend and this world's hero. Look at you, so mature." Simmons turned his eyes on me.

I raised my eyebrows at him. He's being annoying like he was before.

"Moron. Where's the whitefish?" Simmons mom asked.

"Hey! Don't touch me with the pig." One of the workers yelled.

"Yakov!" Simmons yelled.

"What?" Yakov asked.

"You don't get Christmas bonuses standing around. You want those new teeth you saw on SkyMall?" Simmons asked from Yakov.

"It's my dream." Yakov answered.

"Help her out." Simmons commanded.

"You live with your mama?" Mikaela asked from Simmons.

"No, my mama lives with me. It's a big didference." Simmons said.

"I would live with my mama too if i had one." I shrugged.

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